Protect your Child from Sports Injury

mouthguard rugby

Apple Dental as not only passionate about teeth, but they are passionate about Lane Cove families and very passionate about sport!

Apple can provide your children with customised mouthguards, to ensure you’re helping to protect those choppers. Did you know more than 5 million teeth are knocked out during sporting activities every year? What is even worse is that it’s estimated between 30% and 50% of these injuries could have been prevented or would have been less severe had a mouthguard been worn.

It is great for children to get involved with sports, but it is important to protect their teeth. Unfortunately sports-related dental injuries are quite common and may mean your child is faced with a lifetime of costly restorative work. This is why we thoroughly recommend you protect your child’s teeth with a customised mouthguard.

What Are the Advantages of Buying a Customised Mouthguard?

Unlike over-the-counter mouthguards, our mouthguards are comfortable to wear and offer maximum protection for your child’s teeth and jaws. They are made from a high-quality, tough, completely odourless and neutral tasting thermoplastic material. Your child can have their mouthguard made in their favourite colour, or in their team colours. Each mouthguard is thickened in critical areas so there is less chance a blow to the mouth will result in an injury.

mouthguard lane cove

Looking After Customised Mouthguards

A custom-made mouthguard must be thoroughly washed in cool running water after each use to keep it clean and fresh. Store it in the container provided, away from direct heat as this could distort the mouthguard. We will regularly check the fit of your child’s mouthguard to make sure it is continuing to provide the best level of protection. The mouthguard will most likely need to be replaced at regular intervals, as your child’s teeth and jaws develop and grow.

If your child loves sports, please contact Apple Dental to find out more about our customised mouthguards.



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Apple Dental are one of ITC’s fabulous Platinum Sponsors. Without their support, along with our other sponsors, our website would never have been possible. #itcplatinumsponsor

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