Lane Cove Needs a Toy Library

    When Miss ITC was young we lived in a unit in Lane Cove.  We did not have room for large toys.  We also noticed that we would buy toys and then a few weeks later Miss ITC would lose interest in them.  We then starting using the toy library in Lane Cove.  The Lane Cove Toy library was located at the Riverview shops.

    The Toy Library was an amazing resource.  You could choose from over 3000 different toys, hire costumes and even hire cake tins (by the way there is a Lane Cove company where you can hire cake tins here).

    It’s a great way for parents to try before you buy.  It is also another way of reducing landfill – no need to get rid of unwanted toys.

    There are over 280 not for profit toy libraries in Australia. According to the Toy Library Association, toy libraries are

    Toy libraries have some fundamental characteristics, they:

    • Provide quality educational items for loan.
    • Are inexpensive (usually an annual subscription is charged).
    • Principally cater for younger children.
    • Have a range of items covering all stages of growth and development.
    • Provide an opportunity to meet other caregivers to share concerns, interact with others and make new friends.
    • Help parents and carers learn about the ages and stages of child development.
    • Usually, open on set days and hours.

    Some of the toy libraries are associated with local council libraries.  There is a toy library at the North Ryde Library.  Any child from birth to their seventh birthday can borrow once they have their own membership card. Toys are carefully chosen to stand up to a lot of use by young children. Care is also taken to ensure that toys are clean, complete and in good working order.

    In the Cove floated the idea of a Toy Library returning to Lane Cove and the response was an overwhelming yes.

    Councillor Andrew Zbik has two young children and he is very keen to see a toy library in Lane Cove.  He is currently conducting a survey to see your response.  You can complete the survey here.

    If you would like a toy library in Lane Cove please email the Lane Cove Council here and ask them to consider a toy library in Lane Cove.

    The whole concept of reusing consumables and sharing is alos evidenced by the growth of street libraries.  You can read about local street libraries here.

    Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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