Over this 2-day workshop for Yoga teachers, you’ll discover how to make your Yoga language, poses, classes and marketing more accessible to more people. We’ll learn ways to put students at ease and retain them – creating Body Positive classes for all. Did you know:
– If you have students under 25, a surprising 70% of them struggle with body image.
– With just 20 students in your class, at least 5 of them will have a current mood disorder.
– The average size woman in Australia is 14-16, which means 60% are larger – so catering to bigger bodies is increasingly important.
Yoga Teachers don’t need to be therapists. Though we do need to make our classes a safe space for more people experiencing those struggles, and offer a welcoming and fun practice for them to return to our classes and studios.
We’re honoured to welcome Sarah Harry to Yogabowl to lead this special teacher training. You’ll learn from one of Australia’s leading Body Image and Eating Disorder specialists, Stigma and Accessibility leaders, Trainer, University lecturers and Yogi!
• Sarah has taught thousands of people from Yogi’s to Medical professionals and has a 20 year yoga practice which she now applies to all her clients and trainings with a trauma sensitive and body positive lens. She co-founded and is the Director of Body Positive Australia and wrote the bestselling Yoga Book “Fat Yoga, Yoga for All Bodies” in 2017 which is sold all over the world.
• With over 15 years in Specialist Practice in hospitals, clinics and Government organisations Sarah is a sought after speaker, activist and media advisor. She is on the HAES Australia Advisory Board, Formally on the Eating Disorders Vic Board, Accessible Yoga Ambassador, Vic Health Ambassador, and YBIC Community Member.
• She works regularly with the media has appeared in everything from Yoga Journal to The Project to help people embrace Body Positivity and Yoga at any Size.
• Sarah Harry is a Yogi and Psychotherapist with a difference. Her training stye is practical, warm, fun and knowledgeable. You are invited to create a safe and trauma aware space to truly gain a rich and unique learning experience.
SOLD OUT in Melbourne & Adelaide 2018.
Only 20 places available in Sydney.
Price includes a signed copy of Sarah’s latest book, “Fat Yoga, Yoga For All Bodies.”
We’d love you to join us.
Earlybird pricing ends 20th April.