6.30 – 7.00pm Public opportunity to meet youth support organsations
7.00 – 7.30pm Welcome and organisation introduction
7.30 – 8.20pm Connecting The Dots screening
8.20 – 9.00pm Panel discussion and opportunity to meet youth support organisaitons
Connecting the Dots is the first feature documentary of its kind to offer a raw and intimate look at youth mental health from a global perspective. With heart-felt poignant stories of lived experience, the film exclusively showcases young voices breaking barriers surrounding youth mental health. Through highly cinematic and character driven storytelling, Connecting the Dots is emotional, reflective and hopeful. Our future leaders are speaking up. It’s time to listen.
The EPIC goal for this event is to bring parents and youth organisations together. To bring the youth mental health conversation into an open arena. To forget stigma and to form an understanding of the importance of addressing youth mental health in our community.
Event partner youth support organisations are KYDS, The Northern Centre, Taldumande House, Harrison Riedel Foundation, Headspace, Streetwork, Mission Australia, SDECC and Relationships Australia. Representatives from each organisation will be available on the evening to meet with parents.