It’s World Bee Day! Bees play a crucial role around the world pollinating plants. Australia has some special bees – even a Stingless Bee! Join us to discover the bees of the Australian bush with a story, bushwalk and nature craft. You’ll be buzzing with excitement!
To ensure this is a COVID Safe activity, please cancel your booking and stay at home if you or your child are unwell.
Important information:
• Bookings and tickets are essential for both ADULTS and children for all activities. Once children’s tickets are booked out, any remaining adult tickets are NOT to be used for children.
• Activities are for 2 to 5 years during term time, 2 to 10 years during school holidays (unless otherwise specified).
• Children must be accompanied by an adult and supervised by adults at all times on the activity.
• Most activities are NOT stroller friendly and walks are on unsealed bush tracks.
• Wear appropriate footwear – runners or hiking shoes are recommended.
• Lane Cove Council reserves the right to alter or cancel activities. In the event of inclement weather, a text message will be sent the morning of the activity if it has to be cancelled.
• Safety on all our activities is always considered, however participants attend activities at their own risk and adults are responsible for their children.
• Further information – or