The starting point for these works was walking in the apparent emptiness of the nocturnal hospital corridor, or driving on a deserted road. Both sites of transition. Not somewhere to stay for long. The sounds heard in the corridor are layers of unattended alarms, the sound of muffled crying, the sounds of muffled conversations, the sounds of sleep, and the sound of footsteps. If unsettled, those awake in the corridor at night can experience a liminal temporality. It can be an experience of occupation, a staying, rather than transiting quickly through to a destination. The corridor can become without a destination, a semi permeable membrane where somethings things are held and others allowed to pass. The process of making enables a shift from observational (as a traditional anthropological western-centered way of knowing) to an embodied immersive listening method, a way to be in the corridor or driving on a deserted road.