With Spring almost upon us, it’s time to shake off the winter chills!
For a lot of us it is also the time we want to shake off some of those extra winter kilos.
Weight Loss is high on lists right now, but this can be a very confusing subject for many of us, especially when we are constantly bombarded with diets, eating plans, fitness regimes and more.
The key to permanent weight loss is creating a lifestyle and mindset shift that incorporates healthy eating habits, an understanding of the right foods to be eating, along with a fitness regime that works for you personally.
We are all different, so when we find what works for us we want it to be so easy that it becomes our new ‘ritual’ or ‘habit’, as well as making us feel great! …This is how real, long-term weight loss is created.
So, start with gathering the right information and tools! Come and join us at The Source Lane Cove, where our resident Nutritionist Sally will talk you through strategies, lifestyle and eating patterns, along with the foods that will support you on this journey. Come along and bring all your questions with you.
And look out for Sally’s top tips for Healthy Weight Loss in-store now.
Location: The Source Lane Cove, Lane Cove Market Square
Time: 7-8pm, Tuesday 10th September,
Cost: $10
Bookings: Instore
Start Spring with a head start!