New Park for Lane Cove North

blackman park

The Lane Cove Council has reached an agreement with the NSW Government for Council to acquire six properties in Pinaroo Place, to allow the expansion of the existing park at the corner of Kullah Parade and Mindarie Street, to create a single large park of approximately 6,300sqm.

This is great news for Lane Cove North who do not have the same access to open space when compared to other parts of Lane Cove.  The Lane Cove North community has been actively campaigning for the new park.

girraween park

The development of the park has been a long and drawn out process.  Lane Cove Council first commenced the process to acquire the Pinaroo Park sites from the NSW Land and Housing Corporation in 2013 in line with the 2011 JBA Mowbray Road Precinct, Master Planning Study. Unfortunately, the original agreed timeframe to complete the transfer of land by 30 June 2016 did not occur. Through this period former Mayors, staff and the current Mayor made a number of representations stressing the importance of this acquisition to the Lane Cove community.

Council’s perseverance has ultimately paid off with advice on the 15 August 2017, that the transaction can proceed. In summary, the transaction involves:-

  1. As per the 2011 JBA Mowbray Road Precinct, Master Planning Study, a land exchange of (1,332sqm) of park at Girraween Avenue for an additional area (4,055sqm) of land currently comprising six single residences at Pinaroo Place;
  2. A Planning Proposal will be lodged to rezone and reclassify to Operational Land the existing park on Girraween Avenue (1322sqm), from RE1 Public Recreation to R4 High Density with a height limit of 5 storeys;
  3. To provide a replacement pocket park in proximity to Girraween Avenue, a Planning Proposal will be lodged to rezone 552 Mowbray Road (697sqm) from R4 High Density to RE1 Public Recreation; and
  4. Subject to the receipt of a Development Application, Council will advertise its intention to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement for one additional floor for the development site 20 – 22 Mindarie and 30 Pinaroo Place as a partial offset of the land transfer.

These elements have been negotiated on the basis of like-for-like value and will be the subject of a Deed which allows Council to proceed with construction of the park under a lease arrangement whilst the various elements of the transaction occur.  Council in its 2017/18 Budget included funding for the construction of the park which means consultation can now commence on the park design before a tender process to construct the park is undertaken.

Mayor Deborah Hutchens stated:
This new park is ultimately being made possible due to the partnership approach achieved between the NSW Government and Council to deliver infrastructure which is essential for our growing community. It will ensure the residents of the Mowbray Precinct enjoy access to open space which is of a scale that caters for the increased population in the precinct.

The good news is that the park will include a full size basketball court and other multi sport areas.

The proposed plans for the park are below:


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