Meet Greenwich Local Glen Crouch – Photographer With a Love for Vivid


    Greenwich local Glenn Crouch describes himself as a serious hobbyist landscape photographer based in Greenwich.

    He has been taking photos in some form for most of his life but became “serious” about capturing good-quality photos about eight years ago. Most weekends, he is out and about shooting photos. Glenn is also a regular at the Greenwich Village Arts Trail.

    What is your favourite subject to photograph?

    I have been capturing landscapes and seascapes for over 15 years.

    What’s Your Favourite Place to Take Photos in the Lane Cove LGA?

    Up until last month, my go-to sunset spot was Greenwich Point ferry wharf, but that’s now gone. If there’s a decent sky at dusk, I can be found either in Shell Park or Manns Point.

    Why Do You Like Photographing Vivid?

    I have captured every Vivid festival since it began in 2009.


    I love how it transforms what can be a quiet winter city into a glowing light festival that encourages people to get outside in the winter air to take in the amazing light installations around the city

    Photo by Glenn Crouch

    What is the Secret of Taking a Good Vivid Photo on an iPhone?

    Switch your phone camera to night mode (or long exposure mode if you have it), brace it against something solid like a wall or railing, and hold it still during the exposure. Some phone cameras don’t handle low-light images terribly well, so you need to allow it to capture as much light as possible. This is where a bigger sensor, like that on a DSLR, comes in handy!

    Which Camera Do You Use?

    I shoot with a Nikon D850, and the 2 main lenses I use are the Nikkor 16-35mm and Nikkor 14-24mm. I have a collection of filters I use, mostly 6 and 10-stop neutral density filters from Formatt-Hitech and NiSi, which I highly recommend if you’re looking at buying filters to try long exposure photography.

    If any of your readers have any questions about my photography or photography in general, please contact me, and I’d be happy to answer any questions they might have.

    How Long Have You Lived in Greenwich?

    I’ve lived in Greenwich for 12 years and absolutely love the area.

    What’s Your Favourite Thing to Do in Greenwich?

    Grab a Sunday morning coffee at the Greenwich shops while taking our 3-year-old Golden Retriever for a walk down to Manns Point

    Where Can People See Your Work?

    On Sunday, 16 June 2024, between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm, I have an exhibition:

    “25 in the Landscape” at M2 Gallery, Surry Hills by Three Edge Framing. You can come to meet me and ask me about my work.

    Further information here.

    Glenn Crouch Contact Details

    Instagram:  @aegirphotography
    Website: (you can order prints directly from my site)