Lane Cove News Week in Review 18th to 25th September 2024

    Welcome to our week in review.

    Election Update

    Vote counting continues in the local elections.

    The count cannot be concluded until all postal votes have been returned to the NSW Electoral Commissioner. The deadline for returning completed postal votes is 6 p.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024.

    When all the votes have been counted, the official announcement of the election results will be made in writing. The results will be declared between 1 and 3 October 2024.

    Ballot papers undergo a second count in the week following election day. This is referred to as a check count, the official count used to determine the elected candidates.

    Once postal voting closes, preferences will be distributed.

    CareFlight Chopper Lands on Pottery Green

    On Thursday, 19 September 2024, shortly after 8 am, the Mounties Care CareFlight Helicopter was deployed by NSW Ambulance to a house in Lane Cove to treat a woman after she was trapped by a vehicle.  

    CareFlight’s specialist doctor and NSW Ambulance paramedics treated the patient at the scene. The patient was transported by NSW Ambulance via road, accompanied by CareFlight’s specialist doctor to Royal North Shore Hospital in a critical condition.

    Lane Cove Rotary Club

    In The Cove, Founder Jacky Barker was recently recognised by Rotary Lane Cove with their highest form of recognition—a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). This is the second time Jacky has received this honour, and as such, she is noted as the recipient of a Paul Harris Pin + “1 Sapphire.”

    Past President (and current Secretary), Silvio Gmur caught up with Jacky at the Lane Cove Fun Run on 8 September to present her with the honour, recognising her outstanding support of Lane Cove Rotary over many years.

    On presenting the PHF recognition, Silvio said to Jacky “(we) Couldn’t do without your support in the local community, grateful thanks from all our members.”

    The honour is named after Paul Harris, an American attorney in the early 20th century, who is credited with starting the world’s first Rotary Club in Chicago.

    This year, Rotary Lane Cove is celebrating its 67th year. You can join the fun by coming to the Rotary Fair on Sunday, October 13, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. To facilitate the Fair, Lane Cove Council has advised temporary road closures.

    Lane Cove Art Awards 2024

    Last Friday, 20th September 2024, the 59th Annual Lane Cove Art Awards at Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios showcased a variety of impressive artworks.

    The awards are conducted by Lane Cove Council in conjunction with the Lane Cove Art Society, with Australian residents able to enter a submission and showcase their artistic talent.

    Congratulations to the winners:

    1st place – Alice Xu, Birthplace

    2nd place – Martin Claydon, Frame

    3rd place – Dagmar Cyrulla, Hotel Room during Covid I

    More details in our article.

    Arthritis NSW Warm Water Exercise Classes at Lane Cove Physio

    Arthritis NSW and Lane Cove Physio are working together to improve the health and well-being of people over 50 who have arthritis.

    Exercising in warm water is one of the most comfortable and effective ways for a person with arthritis to exercise. The buoyancy of the water supports the body, taking the weight off inflamed and painful joints. The warmth of the water helps tight joints loosen up and relax, easing soreness and soothing any pain.

    The role of water in your exercise class is twofold—not only does it soothe and support your body, but it also offers resistance to your movements, acting somewhat like a weight to help strengthen your muscles while you exercise.

    Classes are suitable for beginners, and can help participants to:

    • Keep moving
    • Improve coordination and endurance
    • Ease stiff joints and relax sore muscles
    • Feel better

    Classes will run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays over 10 weeks, during the school term.

    Where: Lane Cove Physio, 237 Longueville Rd

    Phone: 02 9857 3300

    Email: [email protected] 

    Details & bookings:

    Stem cell donors are urgently needed… the simple way young Aussies can help save lives.

    Australia is facing a critical shortage of registered stem cell donors – and the solution lies in the hands of younger Australians.

    Friday, 20 September 2024, was World Marrow Donor Day, part of Blood Cancer Month, and Leukaemia Foundation and Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) are joining forces to encourage all Aussies aged between 18 – 35 to do one simple action – sign up to become a stem cell donor.

    Leukaemia Foundation’s new campaign, A Fair Go, addresses barriers to Australians receiving the best possible care, support, and treatment – including stem cell transplants – throughout their blood cancer experience.  

    The ABMDR’s Strength to Give cheek swabbing initiative is an easy, straightforward, and cost-effective way to recruit Australian donors from all cultures, aged 18 – 35. 

    At any one time, there are around 1,000 Australians urgently waiting to receive a suitable living donor match as part of their life-saving treatment.“More than 19,500 Australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer this year, and around 20 percent of those will need a stem cell transplant to survive their diagnosis,” said Leukaemia Foundation CEO, Chris Tanti,.

    You can help save the life of an Australian fighting blood cancer by signing up to become a stem cell donor at Strength to Give –

    “With a significant lack of local donors in Australia from diverse cultural backgrounds, Australian patients are increasingly dependent on overseas donors to meet demand.”

    According to ABMDR CEO, Lisa Smith, Australia’s only stem cell registry urgently needs to recruit more local donors. In particular, donors that are reflective of Australia’s diverse population to help improve the chances of some Australians finding their life-saving match.

    Unlike many other transplanting nations, who on average have halved their dependency on foreign donors in the last decade, Australia’s dependency has steadily increased to around 8 out of 10 patients relying on an overseas donor.

    The stem cell donation process is also simpler than many people think. “Most stem cell donations generally involve a process similar to donating plasma, which comprises of taking blood from one arm, collecting the stem cells, and returning the blood through the other arm.” said Ms Smith

    If you are living with blood cancer, undergoing treatment, or a carer, please contact Australia’s blood cancer support line for more information on stem cell transplants or becoming a donor, by calling 1800 620 420 or visit 

    Lane Cove In The News

    Lane Cove’s Fire and Rescue team were among five Fire & Rescue NSW crews called up to assist 15 RFS crews in controlling a hazard reduction burn that jumped containment lines on Saturday. For more details, see this article by our friends at the Northern Beaches Advocate.

    The Sydney Morning Herald published an interesting article about the changing traffic levels around Sydney in 2019. The impact of the pandemic and increased working from home habits have influenced the data that shows there is an increase in cars on the road, but less traffic. Burns Bay Road is cited as one of the major roads with reduced traffic but travel time has not improved. The research was conducted by the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney

    New Rent Check Tool

    The NSW Government has launched a free tool to help renters and landlords check rent prices in their area. Enter a postcode, answer a few questions, and get a quick comparison of median rental ranges. The tool aims to help both parties stay informed and make fair decisions.

    Check it out

    Jellybean Jam Returns to the Canopy

    If you love 80s music, head to The Canopy this weekend—Jellybean Jam will be playing. There was a brief glitch with the tickets, but they are available here. 

    Spring Brings Beautiful Sailing Weather

    With the weather warming up, our local sailing clubs are getting busier. Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club had their season’s opening day on 15th September.

    There are some great action shots from the clubs you can see on their Facebook pages:

    Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club

    Greenwich Sailing Club

    Cricket season is back!

    The weekend saw game one of the cricket season for Lane Cove Cricket Club. Check out some photos of their happy players on their Facebook page. 

    Crime, Accidents and Incidents

    Reminder: Keep Valuables Safe!

    On the night of September 20th/21st September 2024, a car in a secure apartment car park was broken into, and an iPad was stolen. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of incidents like this in our community.

    A secure carpark or storage area doesn’t guarantee safety—so stay vigilant. Ensure your valuables are removed from vehicles, and double-check that storage areas are locked and do not have anything valuable in view.

    If you notice any suspicious activity, report it to the police immediately. Let’s all work together to keep Lane Cove safe.

    Early Moring Bin Fire

    Early on Tuesday, September 24th, NSW Fire and Rescue was called to put out a fire in three bins at 51 – 53 Burns Bay Road (opp Chemist Warehouse). Fire and Rescue has said there do not appear to be lithium batteries involved.  See our cover photo.


    Week In Review – Sponsor Paws Galore

    Paws Galore is a local business that provides dog walking around the Lane Cove and surrounding areas. Providing your dog with exercise, stimulation for both the mind and body, socialisation, and of course, fun!
    The walks are off leash which take place in safe local dog parks and beaches to ensure that your dog enjoys plenty of time out in nature.
    All Walks Include:
    •  60 mins of pure fun and exercise!
    •  Pick up & Drop off from your home to local parks/dog beach
    •  Socialisation with dogs of similar temperament & energy levels in a group of 4 dogs.
    •  Choice of 3 walks a day, Monday to Friday
    •  Photo updates for every walk
    •  All vans are equipped with Pet First Aid Kits
    •  Walked by experienced and dedicated dog walkers
    The rate is $40 + GST per walk. If you have a second dog the rate is $35 + GST.
    or call/text Gina on 0406 358 810. Or contact them here –

    In the Cove, WhatsApp