An event every day that begins at 10:30 am, repeating until 4 November 2019
This 30 hour training with Mitch (Michelle) Gibson is an in-depth experience of the what, why, & how of Restorative Yoga. Expect an embodied journey of how to create and hold space for deep relaxation with yourself and your students.
– The embodiment of this work with a lot of Restorative Yoga practice.
– Confidence, knowledge and hands-on experience to practice, sequence and teach Restorative Yoga.
* The true definition of Restorative Yoga on the ever-evolving Yoga “menu”, and why it’s a uniquely special practice
* How Restorative Yoga works
* The importance of embodiment
* Propping: from the minimal … to all of the glorious detail
* Restorative prescription and sequencing, including troubleshooting & modifications
* Effective communication & languaging
* Transitioning your students into Restorative Yoga
* Restorative Yoga in real bodies (not just Yoga teacher bodies)
* Sharing & exploring along the learning journey
* Certificate of completion & competency (valid for 12 cpd points through Yoga Australia)
– Yoga teachers seeking to teach Restorative Yoga
– You’ve taught bits of Restorative, though need clarity and direction.
– Those with prior Restorative teaching experience, who want to explore more depth, detail, and a quieter practice for themselves and their students.
– Experienced students looking to deepen their knowledge & practice of Restorative Yoga, & wish to create this at home for themselves / their family.
Price includes a FREE 30min “Pick My Brain” mentoring session ($75 value) with Mitch, valid 6 months.
Places are strictly limited to just 15, allowing closer connection, sharing, feedback & direction with Mitch.
PAYMENT PLANS: Are available. Please get in touch.
Mitch (Michelle) Gibson has been guiding human bodies toward health since 1984. She began teaching Yoga in 2002, and then Restorative Yoga in 2009. A certified Advanced Relax and Renew trainer with Judith Lasater, Mitch has also studied Restorative Yoga with Roger Cole and Lizzie Lasater. She brings the detail and sensitivity from that Lasater lineage to her work. Restorative Yoga is MItch’s passion, her practice and her therapy. She is the creator and owner of Yogabowl studio in Lane Cove, Sydney – and mentors Yoga teachers throughout Australia.
“Keep teaching Restorative. The world needs what you have to offer.” Lizzie Lasater, International Restorative Yoga teacher trainer 2018.
“This was such a great embodied training. I loved having time & space to experience each pose, the de-briefs, the detailed teaching tips and repetition of key facts, AND the great marketing info. Mitch was so generous with her knowledge. It definitely was time and money well spent.”
Sallyann, Yoga teacher & 2018 Restorative Training participant.
“Already teaching & loving Restorative, I have been taken to a new depth. Mitch’s warmth, authenticity, knowledge, detail, humour & love was incredible. The humanness of it all was perfect. The return on investment was much higher than I’d even hoped.” Tracey, Restorative Yoga teacher & 2019 Restorative Training participant.
“Mitch’s Restorative training delivered everything it promised, and more. There was a beautiful flow to the course – and the emphasis on small details that make a lot of difference, was great. It’s taken my Restorative practice to a whole new level, and given me the confidence to teach soon.”
Deb, Yoga student & 2018 Restorative Training participant.
“I loved the small group dynamic & sharing/deconstructing time – which really showcased the information’s real world application. I enjoyed the later starts – and Mitch’s great vocabulary & teaching cues. ”
Anita, Yoga teacher & 2018 Restorative Training participant.
Thurs 31 Oct: 10:15am – 6pm
Fri 1st Nov: 10:45am – 6pm
Sat 2 Nov: 11am – 6pm (6)
Sun 3 Nov: 10:45am – 4:45pm
Mon 4 Nov: 10:30 – 5:30pm
There will be an hour lunch break each day.
2 Yoga blankets
1 Yoga bolster
1 Yoga sticky mat
Book: “Restore and Rebalance”, by Judith Hanson Lasater.
Note-taking material.
Smartphone camera.
Local participants are expected to bring all required Yoga props please.
OUT OF TOWNERS: let us know if you need assistance with props.
“Practicing and teaching Restorative Yoga has been the cherry on my Yoga career cake. Given the epidemic of busy-ness and overwhelm we find ourselves in, it’s such powerful and well-received work. The joy of learning, sharing and witnessing a student’s transformation, is such a nourishing energetic return. Sharing this work, is literally my happy place.”
Earlybird: $720 until 1st Sept.
Full price: $830
Ask us about payment plans.