
LCSAG Keep-Cup Stall & Boomerang Bag Making

Lane Cove Plaza 16 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia

Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group (LCSAG) will be holding another Keep Cup stall in the Lane Cove Plaza this Sat 9 - 1. Prices from $8-25. There will be a demonstration of how to turn an old t shirt into a Boomerang Bag. We need your old t shirts to use for the demo. Please […]

Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group – Plastic Free July – Stall in Lane Cove Plaza

Lane Cove Plaza 16 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia

Drop by the stall in the plaza on Saturday 6th July between 9am and 12:30pm to celebrate all things Plastic Free July, pick up some local honey, fresh herbs and support Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group. The stall will also have many handy hints on how to recycle those difficult items.