DA Lodged for Coles Lane Cove Site

Developers have now lodged the Development Application for the “Coles Site “at 56 – 60 Burns Bay Road Lane Cove.  Coles Lane Cove will, around mid 2020, relocate to the Rosenthal Complex.  Coles and ALDI will be the anchor tenants in this complex.


The site is currently zoned B2 Local Centre.  This zoning permits a developer to construct housing above commercial premises.  A Development Application, DA 145/2018, was lodged with Lane Cove Council on 17 August 2018.  Not sure why, however the Lane Cove Council Development Application form is not included on the Lane Cove Council’s DA portal.  This is either an oversight or one has not been lodged.

The site is a prime redevelopment land; however, redevelopment of this site comes with some tricky problems.  The Lane Cove Council (LCC) owns the land and car park behind the Old Coles Building. The car park is commonly known as the “Coles Car Park”.  The car park is currently leased to Coles by the Lane Cove Council.  This lease will be surrendered when Coles relocates to the Rosenthal Complex in mid 2020.

Development Plans

The Developer is Sun Property Pty Ltd (SP).  The Develop is seeking consent for the demolition of existing structures and the development of the site for Mixed Uses incorporating:

  • Shops (Retail Premises including supermarket);
  • Restaurant (Food and Drink Premises);
  • Business premises;
  • Community Facility;
  • Shop Top Housing, and;
  • basement car parking and servicing.

This proposal will occur over 56-60 Burns Bay Road and also seeks the acquisition of Council owned land, the Coles Cark Park, for incorporation into the development site. The acquisition of land and the contribution of public benefits are part of a Voluntary Planning Agreement which will be separately negotiated.

The proposed development will result in a nett reduction in the retail floor area on the site from 2700m2 to 1800m2 , plus the addition of 22 residential apartments (including 5 SOHO apartments).  What is a SOHO apartment?  SOHO stands for Small Office, Home Office. It is a hybrid apartment for residential and commercial purposes and allows people to work and live in the same apartment.

The gross floor area of the proposed supermarket is 1,800m2.  Other gross floor area details are:

  • a restaurant at street level fronting Burns Bay Road with a floor area of 165m2 GFA;
  • a community space on Level 1 with a floor area of 780m2.


Will the Redeveloped Site include Car Parking?

The Lane Cove Council is planning to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with SP.  The VPA would incorporate Lane Cove Council’s Land (approx. 18%) in the final plans.  Lane Cove Council will transfer ownership of the land to SP in return for the construction of a community space and car parking.  The VPA terms will provide that the developer is to be responsible for construction of the community space building shell, with the cost being offset by the VPA contribution from incorporating Council’s land. Actual construction costs will be determined by utilising a Quantity Surveyor.

The Car Park and Community Space will be located within the development.  The Car Park will be located underground. The Community Space will also be underground with a foyer on Burns Bay Road providing street access and would be accessible from the below ground car park.

Sera Street

Traffic on Sera Street has increased.  During peak hours it receives high usage.  At the moment it’s quite difficult to navigate.  It also provides access to a child care centre and the much used and loved Birrahlee Pre School.  You may have noticed traffic counters were installed at Sera Street about two weeks ago.

The Lane Cove Council has advised the following in relation to Sera Street:

The redevelopment of the ‘Coles site’ provides the catalyst for Council to look at the overall Sera Street configuration. In particular, options to regularise its built form to deliver a higher level of functionality and safety as a road, similar to the way the ‘link road’ at the rear of the Market Square development regularised the through car park link to Austin Street that existed previously. This would include formalising new access arrangements from Sera Street to the area adjacent to Birrahlee Preschool, and adjacent shops. In light of the above, an additional point is proposed to be added to the recommendation:-Council undertake a study to develop options for Sera Street to deliver a higher level of functionality and safety as a road and provide appropriate access for properties should the ‘Coles site’ redevelopment proceed and when completed, a report be submitted to Council prior to undertaking Community Consultation. 

Voluntary Planning Agreement

VPA’s are very popular with local councils.  A VPA is usually suggested when a local council requires a developer to fund infrastructure.  In this case the Lane Cove Council is keen for the developer to provide parking and a community space.  At the last Lane Cove Council meeting a representative from the Lane Cove performing arts community asked that the Lane Cove Council consider using the proposed new community centre for performing arts and a theatrette/presentation space for groups such as:

  • Lane Cove Theatre Company;
  • Lane Cove Concert Band;
  • Local Dance Schools;
  • Sporting Groups to have end of season awards nights;
  • Local Community Groups to hold fundraisers with comedy acts, movie nights and more;

How Do You Comment on the Development Plans and VPA?

The Development Application and the VPA will be advertised together for public comment (as required by law).

The Proposed Community Consultation Plan is set out as follows:

Level of Participation Inform Consult
Form of Participation Open Targeted
Target Audience Lane Cove Community and community groups Properties in the vicinity.

Local community associations.

Proposed Medium Advertisement and eNewsletter. Public Exhibition,Website Exhibition and Online Survey


Notification Letters
Indicative Timing In conjunction with the Development Application In conjunction with the Development Application


ITC will let you know when the DA is lodged and when the community consultation process commences.

If the DA is approved when will Construction Commence?

Construction will not commence until Coles has relocated to the Rosenthal Complex – this is scheduled for mid 2020.  Please keep supporting the businesses located in the Coles Complex.  The retailing environment is tough at the moment and local businesses need your support.  Find out more about the local businesses in the Coles Complex here.

What do you think about the proposed VPA?

Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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