Epping Road Azalea Corridor Funding Announced

    In the 1960s Azaleas adorned the garden beds on Epping/Longueville Road, with a sloping lawn and a flowering annual display with the letters ‘LANE COVE’ spelled out in bedding begonias that were set into grass in the lower bed. Thirty years later, in 1992, the lower beds around the ‘LANE COVE’ sign were mass planted with Azaleas, creating a stunning September show that many still associate with Lane Cove.

    With their Azalea mass planting and ‘LANE COVE’ floral display, the beds were a visual expression of local identity and pride.

    The garden beds were reconfigured as part of the above ground works for the Lane Cove Tunnel

    You may recall that In the Cove started a petition to bring back the Epping Road Gardens and to reinstate the floral Lane Cove display.  This petition was presented to Council.   At the Lane Cove Council August Meeting last year, there was good news and bad news.

    The good news is that the Lane Cove Council has recognised that the azalea display was a landmark and have resolved to restore and maintain the Azalea planting along Epping Road.  The bad news is that due to the road work associated with the Lane Cove Tunnel, the plant beds are no longer large enough to incorporate a mass planting Lane Cove floral display.

    Unfortunately, the recreation of the ‘LANE COVE’ floral display is unachievable due to the lower garden beds now being narrower and the installation of the tree pits at footpath level making them disjointed and too small.

    On Friday the State Government announced funding for the Epping Road/Longueville Road Garden Beds which have a long history of greeting motorists to Lane Cove in Spring.

    Lane Cove Council is one year into its plan for restoration and maintenance which can now be accelerated thanks to funding from the NSW Government’s Stronger Communities Fund.

    Member for Lane Cove Anthony Roberts MP was on-site to announce the State Government’s $150,000 investment in the local project.

    “I was delighted with Lane Cove Council’s decision to rejuvenate the Azaleas along Epping Road, and I am extremely pleased that with a contribution from the State Government we will get to what will be a beautiful final result” said Minister Roberts.

    In acknowledging the heritage of the area Minister Roberts said, “The Azaleas were planted over 30 years ago and quickly became a must see attraction for those travelling through Lane Cove”.

    Lane Cove Council has cultivated over 700 Azaleas seedlings which are being cared for at the Lane Cove community nursery. While they continue to grow, Council is working through the options available to restore the beds which have been significantly modified since the Lane Cove floral display was last curated. The Stronger Communities Fund will greatly assist in the restorative and preparatory works required to bring the project to life.

    Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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