Lane Cove Retailers Worried About Changes to Rosenthal Avenue Plans

The Lane Cove Council has lodged new plans for the retail sector of the Rosenthal Avenue Development.  Existing retailers support the development but are worried about the connectivity between Rosenthal Avenue and the shops along Birdwood Avenue and the shops in the Plaza.  Will the existing shops become a ghost town as people spend more time in the Rosenthal Avenue Development?

Several concerned Lane Cove retailers have lodged submissions objecting to the new plans.  Their main concern is:

So it is concerning to see that the pedestrian linkages between the Rosenthal development and the existing retail arcades appear to have been removed in this latest design revision. It is also concerning to see that the proposed new Birdwood Lane retail only appears now to front the open park area and that existing Birdwood Lane retailers will be looking at the rear of these new retailers and their rubbish compartment!

In a report to the Sydney North Planning Panel prepared by ADCO – the executive summary clearly states that the aim of the project is to provide connectivity between the new development and the Lane Cove Plaza and Longueville Road Shops.

The Rosenthal Avenue Concept Plans (see below) clearly show connectivity between the development and Lane Cove shops.

Lane Cove businesses have been doing it tough since the Rosenthal Avenue development started.  There is no doubt people are avoiding the Lane Cove Village due to parking issues.  The Rosenthal Avenue redevelopment will bring more people to Lane Cove, the development needs to have access and continuity to the “old” Lane Cove Village via good signage and clear access sight lines.

The new plans can be viewed on the Lane Cove Council’s website – DA198/2015.  Comments on the new plans close today, however you can still make your views known by emailing [email protected].   You can also show your support to the existing retailers by attending the next Lane Cove Council Meeting on November 19th at 7 pm.  Every resident can address the councillors for three minutes before the meeting on council related issues.

Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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