A big week in Lane Cove this week, with a fiery Lane Cove Council meeting, a topping out ceremony and a fabulous fundraiser.
The Canopy – Topping Out Ceremony
The Canopy is the official name of the Rosenthal Avenue Carpark redevelopment site. This week Lane Cove Council and the builders, ADCO, celebrated The Canopy’s topping out. What is topping out? This is when the highest point in a building’s structure has been built and for good luck builders put a tree on the building and have a little party. Lane Cove Council ran a competition for 10 residents to join Lane Cove Councillors at a special topping out ceremony and receive an exclusive tour of the site on Saturday 24 August 2019. This competition was popular with more than 450 residents entering the competition.
ITC was also invited along to share pictures of The Canopy with their readers. We will publish a separate article on the Canopy very soon where which will include images of the Coles and Aldi areas and the 500 parking spaces.
In the meantime, this is the video we took while waiting to tour the site. This video gives you a good reference point as to the height and dimension of The Canopy.
Rosenthal Avenue Will Be One Lane for Eight Weeks
The entrance to The Canopy will be a roundabout at the intersection of Finlayson and Rosenthal Avenue. Starting from Monday 26th August 2019 there will be a traffic contraflow in place resulting in a one lane section of the road. During workhours the traffic will be controlled by traffic management staff. After hours there will be temporary traffic lights. This will impact drivers who access Longueville Road via Burns Bay Road/Rosenthal Avenue and Drivers who access Burns Bay Road by turning right at Subway from Longueville Road. If possible avoid this area and use an alternate route.
Lane Cove Plaza Ready for the Lane Cove Festival
This week the Lane Cove Plaza was decorated with artwork painted by Lane Cove kids on the back of banners. The decorations are to celebrate the launch of the Lane Cove Festival. (See our cover photo)
On Friday 30th August 2019 from 3.30 pm party in Lane Cove Plaza and celebrate the launch of the 2019 Lane Cove Festival program with the whole family! Dance the afternoon away with live music from MC Esky, Kafiri and World’s Collide. Enjoy creative workshops, face painting and circus activities for the kids and be sure to check out the creation of a floral carpet ‘pookkalam’ by the local Malayali community group. From 6:00pm, head to Gallery Lane Cove for the Lane Cove Art Award opening night and exhibition. The Lane Cove Festival is packed with events. Find out more here.
Fireworks at Lane Cove Council’s August 2019 Monthly Meeting
On Monday 18th August 2019, Lane Cove Council held their monthly Meeting. The public gallery was packed. Twenty members of the gallery addressed the Councillors at the public forum (which is held immediately before the meeting officially commences). The meeting went for 31/2 hours. Numerous items on the agenda were debated with amendments being requested to draft resolutions.
Items discussed included:
Lane Cove Library Hours
Thank you to everyone who signed ITC’s petition to extend the Lane Cove Library’s weekend opening hours (in particular Sunday hours). The Lane Cove Council rejected the petition on financial grounds. However they did agree to review the Lane Cove Library Sunday hours when preparing next year’s budget.
St Leonards South Precinct Masterplan (SLS Masterplan)
Seventeen speakers queried why the Lane Cove Council will not accept the findings set out in the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) report on the SLS Masterplan. The IPC stated the SLS Masterplan was an ‘overdevelopment’ of the site and that Lane Cove Council ‘did not need to rezone the area to meet any housing targets.’ (If you would like to read background information on the SKS Masterplan click here). The SLS Masterplan impacts St Leonards South residents, Greenwich residents and any members of the public who use River Road and River Road West.
The debate centred around whether or not an offer, from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Planning Department), to help Lane Cove Council to amend/redraft the SLS Masterplan in light of the advice from the Independent Planning Commission should be accepted.
A majority of Lane Cove Councillors resolved the Planning Department should “review” the IPC report This resolution seemed non-sensical to many in the public gallery and Councillors Andrew Zbik and Francis Vissell (Councillors Strassberg, Hutchens and Morris were not at the meeting). The IPC operates independently of all government departments, including the Planning Department. The IPC was established to build community confidence in the decision-making processes for major development and land-use planning state-wide. One of its key functions is to provide independent expert advice on any planning and development matter, when requested by the Minister for Planning or Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment. One community member stated the Lane Cove Council’s proposed review request was akin to asking for another review of a decision made by the 3rd umpire.
Below is an extract from the August Meeting outlining the resolution to review the IPC report.
“A Motion was moved by Councillors Bennison and Brooks-Horn that:-
- Council receive and note the advice of the Independent Planning Commission (IPC);
- Council advise the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, that the NSW Government should review and respond to the IPC’s advice and recommend that:-
- a)Council participates in the process and provides all necessary information and resources as required;
- b)In conducting the review, although it is appropriate for Council to participate, the findings should be delivered by the Government;
- c)As a number of the issues raised by the IPC also apply to the remainder of the St Leonards / Crown Nest 2036 study area, the NSW Chief Planner be involved in the review in addition to the Government Architect; and
- d)Dr Deborah Dearing from the Greater Sydney Commission also be included in the review; and
- That the review also consider:-
- a)Reducing the 41% growth target for Lane Cove to 2036 to a more realistic rate in line with neighbouring Councils such as Mosman (6%) and Hunters Hill (9%) rather than our larger neighbours (such as North Sydney 27%, Willoughby 21% and Ryde 45%);
- b)Contributing to the provision of more open space in the St Leonards South precinct given that Council’s proposed contribution through the draft Master Plan is already $30 million (over and above existing s7.11 contributions) and a higher amount will be needed to purchase more open space;
- c)Overshadowing concerns, particularly facing River Road;
- d)The need to provide accessible pathways for pedestrians and cyclists;
- e)The need to provide local community facilities; and
- f)The overall financial feasibility of the plan.”
The Lane Cove Council tabled their report on the use of Glyphosate (aka Round Up). It was resolved to continue to use Glyphosate but not near children’s playgrounds. Read more here.
Northwood Shops Planning Proposal – Proposed Aged Care Facility
The Lane Cove Council also noted a report from the Lane Cove Council’s town planning section on the Northwood Shops Planning Proposal. On 1 August 2019, the Planning Department requested a meeting with Lane Cove Council and the developer to discuss the development. At this meeting Lane Cove Council continued to object to the current proposal and cited numerous issues that were of concern to Council.
The parties agreed there was merit in changing the zoning to B4 Mixed Use, moving the proposed exit point and bushland setbacks. There was no agreement on the different views on the height and floor space ratio control.
The next step is in the hands of the Planning Department who are now considering whether to finalise the Northwood Shops Planning Proposal. (If you would like to read background information on this Masterplan click here).
The Worst Commutes in Australia Revealed
The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Report was released this week. From the data compiled by a consulting company the ten worst commutes in Australia were revealed. Two of these commutes are probably familiar to people living in Lane Cove and working in the city or near the city. They are:
✔️Artarmon to Sydney Harbour Tunnel via Gore Hill Freeway/Warringah Freeway
✔️Artarmon to Surry Hills via Pacific Highway/Sydney Harbour Bridge/Cahill Expressway/Eastern Distributor
Lane Cove Local and Businesses Raise Money for CanAssist
The Liverity Spring Fashion Show was held on Saturday 24th August to raise money for CanAssist. The inaugural event was a huge hit. Local cancer patients and survivors modelled the latest spring fashions available in Lane Cove.
100% of proceeds were donated to Can Assist. Can Assist is, an NSW charity which provides financial and non-financial support to rural cancer patients undergoing treatment.
The team behind this fundraiser are all Lane Cove locals with Fashion provided by local fashion houses. Well done Linda Botter and the team. The fundraiser raised $24 000. If you would like to read background information on this event click here.
Lane Cove Average Days on Market Stats
An Interesting article in domain.com for those of you who follow the housing market. The average length of time a house is on the market in Sydney is 90 days. However according to domain.com in Lane Cove it is 81 days for houses and 71 days for units. Read the article here.
McGrath Lane Cove Fundraiser
McGrath Lane Cove is raising funds for Greyhound Rescue. They have started an everyday hero campaign.
Here is why:
“We are the McGrath Estate Agents Lane Cove team. We have volunteered with Greyhound Rescue twice so far. Our Area Manager, Rob Wicking has decided to shave his signature beard which he has grown for two years to support Greyhound Rescue. We have been deeply inspired by the selflessness of the volunteers and overwhelmed by the love and joy the retired racing greyhounds brought to us. We have created this page because we want to support them by raising money and help all the beautiful greyhounds find their “furever home”. Please help us help them by giving whatever you can using the ‘Give Now’ button. The more people that know about Greyhound Rescue, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!”
You can donate here – if you do that signature beard might be going going gone ….sorry really bad real estate agent pun. Good work Team McGrath Lane Cove
New Business Alert
Looks like Bubble Tea might be coming to Lane Cove. A new sign went up this week at the old Snowberry shop (across from McGrath and near Stuart Leal Gallery) in the Lane Cove Village. Babo Tea is coming to town and from the logo it looks like a bubble tea drink being held by a tiger or pink panther.
What is bubble tea you ask? Some say it was created in Taiwan, after a tea house employee was bored and dumped tapioca pudding into iced tea. It turns out it tasted great, soon became one of the tea house’s best seller, and a trend started. Now bubble teashops are all over the world. Flavours can by anything including lychee, kumquat and can be made with different bases like coconut milk tea.
The reason it is called bubble tea is bubbles form when the tea mixture is shaken vigorously. The idea is to drink the tea and chew the pearls of tapioca
Father’s Day
Don’t panic but Father’s Day is next Sunday. We will be releasing our Father’ Day Guide on Monday. You can either call the shops to order or pop in next Saturday. It’s a good idea to book local restaurants for Father’s Day Brunch/Lunch/Dinner NOW . We have put together Father’s Day deals/and special offers in this article. Just click one of the links in that article to book your Father’s favourite restaurant.
Accident/Incident and Crime Report
This week a large tree came down on power lines behind the Lane Cove Golf Course on Phoenix Street Lane Cove. The Ausgrid crew took several hours to remove the branch and had to bring in several different types of trucks to safely remove the tree.
Another incident involved a truck hitting a power line on Kimberley Avenue bringing it crashing to the ground. Ausgrid again attended to reattach the line to the power pole.
Around Sunday lunchtime there was a head on collision at the intersection of Epping Road and Centennial Avenue two Ambulance vehicles and two police cars attended the accident.
An accident hot spot is the T-Intersection at Northwood Road and River Road (across from the Lane Cove Golf Course). This week, ITC received a report of another accident at that spot.
A roving reporter on ITC Lane Cove Chat advised his car, in Longueville, was damaged by someone using a crowbar to try and break into his car.
Be careful when you are playing sport, or you are looking after kids in a local park/playground. Keep your valuables with you or minded by someone. Last weekend, a local was playing soccer at Blackman Park and someone stole her handbag with her wallet, keys and phone from the sideline as she was on the field.
Upcoming Events
Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Club Fundraiser
You may recall that the Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Club suffered a loss this year when one of their storage sheds went up in flames. They are holding a fundraiser on 7th September and would love Lane Cove locals to come along. Details here.
Drag Bingo is back BABY!!!
It’s such a fun night. So grabs some bff’s and pals and head down to Lane Cove Golf Club on 12 September 2019. Bookings are essential. Book early as this event has sold out before. Further details here.
Food and Wine of Spain
Little Red Robin Restaurant has just released information about their next wine and food evening. They will be showcasing the food and wine of Spain. Further details here. Book soon as these evenings do sell out.
This week in review is sponsored by On the Job Plumbing.
On The Job Plumbing was established in 2003 by Daniel Winning and Tim Von Behr, two born & bred Lane Cove locals.
They aim to provide an ethical, reliable professional commercial and domestic plumbing services to customers with a fixed price methodology but without sacrificing quality.
Their service vehicles are fully equipped with the latest technology, inventory and friendly, helpful staff.
Their staff are committed to continuous training to ensure we stay up to date with the latest techniques and tools available.
They cover all aspects of plumbing from a simple dripping tap through to a complete re run of your water, gas or drainage pipes. So if it’s anything plumbing give us a call. They also do bathroom renovations.
On the Job Plumbing is an ITC Platinum Sponsor.
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