The A-Z of Lane Cove – J is for JP or Justice of the Peace

jp Lane Cove Justice of the Peace

One of the questions that ITC gets asked the most is “Where can I find a Justice of the Peace (JP) in Lane Cove?”

What does a Justice of the Peace Do?

Some of you might be thinking – why would I need a JP?

Justices of the Peace (JPs) are volunteers appointed by the Governor of New South Wales. The primary roles of a JP are to witness a person making a statutory declaration or affidavit, and to certify copies of original documents. JPs come from all sections of the community and are available across NSW.

statutory declaration is a written statement which a person declares to be true in the presence of an authorised witness.  Various organisations such as banks, insurance companies and superannuation providers often require information provided to them via a statutory declaration.

An affidavit is a written statement for use as evidence in court proceedings. A person making an affidavit must promise he or she is telling the truth in the presence of an authorised witness.

certified copy of an original document may be required by various organisations. This avoids the need of a person to submit original documentation such as a birth certificate or academic qualifications.

A JP is trusted to be honest and impartial when performing their functions. They cannot:

  • unreasonably refuse to provide JP services
  • charge you a fee or accept a gift for providing JP services
  • assist or write in a statutory declaration or affidavit
  • provide you with legal advice.

So, where do you find a Justice of the Peace in Lane Cove?

Lane Cove Council – SUSPENDED DUE TO COVID19

Lane Cove Council offers a Justice of the Peace (JP) service, which is available Monday to Friday between 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm at the Lane Cove Civic Centre (aka Lane Cove Council building). This service was suspended due to COVID-19 but has now re-commenced.

The Lane Cove Council Justices of the Peace will:

  • Witness statutory declarations
  • Witness an affidavit
  • Certify true copies of original documents

Please bring the original document and provide photocopies for certification. For NSW statutory declarations, please bring photographic identification with you.

Please note, JPs are not available for:

  • Mortgages
  • Company registration
  • Guarantees
  • Wills
  • Power of Attorney
  • Proof of Life
  • Overseas documents

These documents should be taken to a Solicitor, a Notary Public or third party.

Lane Cove Village

Hazel McNamara from Raine and Horne Lane Cove is a JP.  She is conveniently located at 85 Longueville Road Lane Cove (park in The Canopy or  Little Street Car Park)  Call first to check if Hazel is in the office on 0402 913 537. Hazel’s details are here.

Hazel Sitting on Lounge Med Res 26-1-2016

Aussie Lane Cove – You can Adam or Jon at Aussie Lane Cove at 137 Longueville Road, open Mon-Fri for JP Services open business hours Monday – Friday.

Please phone 8084 9733 prior to dropping in to confirm availability.


Emily Patterson is available on Thursdays and Saturdays in the Goodwill Op Shop on Longueville Road.

Lane Cove West

Neil Macdonald from MAM Advisory Group is a JP and business advisor.

Address: Suite 2, 161-163 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove West NSW 2066
Phone:9428 6000

Justice of the Peace Register

If all else fails, you can also search for a JP in your local area through the Justice of the Peace Register.

Notary Public

Sometimes you need documents signed by a Notary Public and not a JP – find out more here.




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  1. Thank you, this has been most helpful and this source of information is very valuable to have available.

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