What Are The Benefits of Renovating Over Selling a House?

We put this question to ITC Business Supporter Michael Nehme, the owner of Taste Living, a well-established boutique local home building and renovation business.

Michael says that people tend to lean more towards renovating their homes rather than selling and moving houses as you can save on the transaction costs and renovating can yield great both short and long-term benefits.

According to Michael, clients often tell him that after the renovations of their homes they generally benefit from a significant upside in their property’s valuation.

Michael says renovation cost most often are around 50% of the increase in the property value. However, home owner must perform their due diligence when selecting a builder and ensure that the renovation costs and their works list fits within their budget.

Michael says at Taste Living they offer their clients Fixed Price Contracts (different to many builders’ “cost plus approach”) as this comforts clients knowing that there is full transparency with the cost of building!

If you wish to renovate your home, Taste Living has been bringing families’ dream homes to life for 15 years and can help you do the same.

Michael says Taste Living goes that extra mile for each client so that it can pride itself on the work for years to come.

Taste Living exists to simplify the home building and renovation process by providing all services associated with building a house in one place.

Taste Living aims to deliver nothing but the finest quality in home building and renovating to local families by removing the stresses and pain points that often come with renovating or building a home.

If you are thinking about renovating or building your home, you can get in touch with Taste Living via  www.tasteliving.com.au or calling 1300 388 888

Taste Living Contact Details

Address 341 Penshurst Street, Willoughby, NSW 2068
Phone 1300 388 888
Facebook TasteLiving
Instagram taste_living
Website https://tasteliving.com.au
Licence Number: Builder’s lic. 280538C

Taste Living is an ITC Business Supporter. Without their support, ITC would not be able to support local community groups, charities and sporting groups by providing them with a platform to promote their groups and events.  ITC is mostly funded by local advertising.  This is a sponsored post.