Almost every part of Lane Cove is within 500 metres of bushland and the efforts of the Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society have helped to preserve this urban bushland. Recent events such as the pandemic lockdowns and the threat of climate change have helped locals recognise the value of this land for both human and environmental sustainability.
The Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society have started a campaign calling on Lane Cove Council to increase funding for bushland restoration in their 2023/2024 Council Budget papers. They are requesting an increase in funding for all bushland reserves to enable professional restoration of bush tracks and improved vegetation management.
The Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society released the following statement:
“Lane Cove’s beautiful bushland reserves need some extra help!!
The rain during the past three years combined with storms, has resulted in tree falls, track wash outs and rampant growth of both native and weed species. Council and volunteer bush regenerators are unable to keep pace with the needs of Lane Cove’s many beautiful reserves. Help call for an urgently needed increase to funding for bushland in Council’s June Budget.”
Bushland Park
LCBCS is particularly concerned about Bushland Park (located near the Lane Cove Golf Course.). They have identified the following issues at Bushland Park:
- bracken smothering areas of the endangered hygrocybeae fungal communities
- the proliferation of palms – not native to the area
- smothering by vines
- track subsidence and tree falls resulting in the closure of the Doug Stuart Bushwalk; and
- Sydney Water’sd gabion stabilization wall
LCBCS notes:
“We can enjoy this beautiful bushland today because a group of concerned residents saved it from destruction in 1971 when the Country Club planned to extend the golf course into this valley. This was the genesis of the Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society.”
Bushland Park is one of ITC’s favourite bushwalks – read our article here.
Guided Walks
To raise awareness, LCBCS has arranged an educational stroll with Lynne McLoughlin, author of ‘The Natural Environment of Lane Cove’ and Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society member guides on Sunday, 4 June 2023.
Bookings are essential and you can book here for a one-hour guided walk that will depart at 30-minute intervals from 10.30 am until 1.30 pm. Groups are limited to 10 people each.

Have Your Say on the Budget Papers
If you would like to see Lane Cove Council increase Bushland funding or funding for any other local issue, now is your time to make your voice heard.
Have Your Say
You can have your say by:
Alternatively, you can make a submission to the General Manager quoting the reference ‘SU9278‘, by:
- Post: PO Box 20, Lane Cove 1595
- Email: [email protected]
The consultation closes 7 June 2023.
To find out more about Lane Cove Council’s Budget Papers – read our article here.
More About the Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society
The Lane Cove Bushland & Conservation Society has been working to protect Lane Cove bushland for over 52 years. You can read about LCBCS’s history here.
The Society would love more residents to help with the ongoing work of protecting local green heritage from encroachment by overdevelopment and combatting climate change.
The Society also organises bush walks and plant sales. Get involved and protect Leafy Lane Cove. Please go to their Website to join.
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