Everybody loves a fair and Lane Cove residents love the Lane Cove Rotary Fair.
After three years absence, the Lane Cove Rotary Fair and Sustainability Lane are back, bigger and better than ever.
Thousands of people attend the event, and you will surely bump into many people you know.
Join in the fun of the Rotary Lane Cove Village Fair on Sunday 8 October 2023 between 9 am and 4 pm. The Fair takes place in the heart of the village, with Longueville Road closed to cars.
What is at the Fair?
The Lane Cove Village Fair is organised by Lane Cove Rotary and is loved by young and old. There is entertainment, live music, food, market stalls and displays by community organisations. Find out more at the Lane Cove Fair website.
ITC will have a stall at the Fair and we would love to meet you at the stall. Please come along and say hi!! We will have giveaways, competitions and some surprises, not to mention our world-famous Lane Cove Tea Towels.
Live Entertainment at the Lane Cove Plaza
During the day there will be entertainment in the Plaza from 9:00am till 4pm.
Kidz Zoo
Proudly sponsored by PetO Lane Cove
A mobile petting zoo sponsored by PetO Lane Cove will be stationed outside the store from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Children can enjoy feeding and playing with popular farm animals in a safe, secure enclosure with friendly, trained staff.
Face Painting
There will be three face painters in two locations. One will be located at PetO and one in the Lane Cove Plaza.
There will be six different rides from Planet Entertainment and of course Fairy Floss.
The kids love the rides and this year there will be new rides by Planet Entertainment. You can buy your tickets on that day. They will NOT be at Burns Bay Road (like below). Rides will be on Longueville Road – down the end near the Lane Cove Library
Market Stalls
See the big range of market stalls with some new stallholders. The market stalls are on Longueville Road and in the Lane Cove Plaza and at the entrance to The Canopy. There are over 77 stalls to browse.
Lane Cove Shops
You can also take some time to shop in the Lane Cove Shops – many of them will be open.
Sustainability Lane
Sustainability Lane is a fun, family event promoting sustainability and eco-friendly lifestyle ideas for the whole community to come and enjoy. Visit The Canopy to see the electric vehicles on display, join a sustainability themed workshop, learn basic bike repairs, win prizes, hear from community organisations, take home a free native plant and more. The event is run in conjunction with the Lane Cove Rotary Fair.
Workshops will be running throughout the day. Pop by the ‘Talks Tent’ near the electric vehicle display at The Canopy to hear from the experts.
Road Closures
There will be road closures on the day of the event on Longueville Road from Birdwood Avenue to Central Avenue and Birdwood Lane will be closed. See the map below.
Emergency Services
Kids love the flashing lights and visiting the fire trucks, police and more. NSW Fire and Rescue, North Shore Police Command and Street Side Medics Van.
Colouring Competiton
The Young at Heart programme will launch at the Festival. It is a colouring and short writing competition for primary school aged children – with great prizes.
Face Painters
There will be a face painter – sponsored by Your Move Conveyancing
Make sure you look for the Lane Cove Rotary Tent and buy a raffle ticket – the prizes are amazing. More details here.
Everyone loves a snag and Lane Cove Rotary will be selling snags up near the top of the Plaza. They will be cooking up a storm all day.
Petting Zoo
A Petting Zoo will be outside Pet O – they are sponsoring the Petting Zoo – they are located on Burns Bay Road near Harris Farm
Wildlife Show
A wildlife Show will be located at The Canopy.
What happens if it rains?
Lane Cove Rotary Fair is an outdoor all weather event. Rather than bringing an umbrella with you, we suggest bringing a disposable poncho in your bag.
What do I do if I need any assistance on the day?
If you need medical or security assistance for any reason during the Lane Cove Rotary Fair, please approach the Lane Cove Rotary Fair Tent.
What do I do if I’ve lost something?
Lost (and found) property will be taken to the Lane Cove Rotary Fair Tent. Any uncollected items will be taken to the Lane Cove Council offices and will be available for collection up to four weeks after Lane Cove Rotary Fair, at which point it will be passed on to a charity.
Where Can I Park?
Parking is available at the Lane Cove Market Square Car Park, Harris Farm Car Park and the Canopy Car Park. Displayed parking rates apply.
Is it suitable for a person with mobility issues or a parent?
Yes! The Lane Cove Rotary fair location is at street level and easily navigable with accessible toilet facilities and facilities at The Canopy.
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