Plastic Free July – Join the Challenge

plastic free july

Plastic pollution is a growing problem in Australia and around the world. But you can make a difference! Plastic Free July, a global movement, encourages individuals to refuse single-use plastics throughout July. This initiative is a fantastic way to reduce your plastic footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.  The movement started in Australia.

The Lane Cove Sustainability Group will be in the plaza on Saturday,6 July 2024, from 9:00 a.m. They will have some handy tips on going plastic-free.



After visiting the Lane Cove Sustainability Group’s stall in the Lane Cove Plaza, you might want to visit the Plastic Free July website – which has some handy tips for reducing plastic consumption.

Why Participate in Plastic-Free July?

Millions participate yearly in Plastic Free July, making it a powerful movement for change. Here are some reasons to join:

Reduce plastic pollution: By refusing single-use plastics, you’ll directly lessen the amount of plastic waste entering our landfills and oceans.

Develop sustainable habits: The challenge encourages you to find reusable alternatives, which can become habits that benefit the environment long after July.

Join a global movement: Be part of something bigger! Knowing millions are acting alongside you can be motivating.

What Steps Can You Do to Reduce Your Plastic Consumption?

The following are tips from the Plastic Free July website:

  • Don’t Buy Bottled Drinks – Always Bring a Drinks Container to Refill
  • Always Bring Your Own Bags, and Stop buying the reusable bags at retailers
  • Bring Your Own Coffee Cups
  • Bring Reusable Containers if you are buying takeaway – ITC has a friend who always takes a tiffin container when they purchase takeaway from Lane Cove Thia Eatery.
  • Don’t use plastic food wrap at home
  • You can swap bottled shampoo for bar soaps

General Recycling Tips

As part of Plastic Free July month, you may also want to consider recycling more. Our article on how to recycle in Lane Cove is available here.