Lane Cove Council November 2024 Meeting

The Lane Cove Council November 2024 Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21st November 2024 at 7.00 pm.

Have Your Say – Be Part of the Process

Members of the public can address councillors for three (3) minutes per person (in-person or online) during the public forum segment of the Ordinary Council Meeting. Register by using this online form no later than midnight, on the day prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting.

The public forum provides an opportunity to make a statement. It is not a forum for debate or response from Councillors.

You can submit a written submission via email to [email protected] 

Written submissions are to be received by Council no later than midnight, on the day prior to a Council Meeting (maximum 500 words).

You must ensure the subject line of your submission is as follows: Written Submission for Council Meeting – Insert Date – Insert Subject

Council meetings are live-streamed and viewable via the webcast on this website.

Listed below are the agenda items for the meeting.

Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion – Lane Cove LEP Review: Planning for Sustainability and Affordable Housing Recommendation

Councillors Flood and Bryla are proposing a review of the Lane Cove LEP (Lane Cove Local Environmental Plan 2009) to include additional targets and provisions for sustainability, and affordable housing, and to action other urgent updates.

It has been ten years since the last significant review of Lane Cove’s LEP.

Other Sydney Metropolitan councils have already updated their LEP to include sustainability and affordable housing requirements.

Merri Southwood in her email to her ward noted:

“This review would present Council with an opportunity to make some strong statements to reflect the priorities of Council sought by our community.”

Councillors are being asked to vote on the following resolution




1.         Council Undertake a review of its LEP over the next 18 months, with a view to incorporating provisions including but not limited to the following:

a.   Green infrastructure and sustainable energy infrastructure

b.   Transitioning away from fossil fuels to renewable energy infrastructure

c.   Biodiversity conservation

d.   Tree Canopy preservation

e.   Minimising urban heat

f.    Implementing water sensitive urban design

g.   Encouraging development with active and public transport connections

h.   LGA wide design excellence principles

i.    Affordable Housing contributions


2.         At Council’s Corporate Planning weekend staff present a program for the LEP Review. The presentation should invite input from Councillors on further matters to be included in the Review.

3.         The LEP Review program be reported to the February Ordinary meeting of Council for endorsement.

4.         As a priority, amend the LEP to reflect the resolution of Council to classify 14 Gay Street as C2 land.

5.         In addition to the LEP review, staff present at Council’s Corporate Planning weekend on the best options for an Affordable Housing Policy and an Affordable Housing contribution scheme to compliment the LEP provisions.

6.         Council write to the NSW Department of Planning & Homes NSW to advocate for the following:-

a.   Consistent definitions for Affordable Housing (AFH) across the various planning instruments;

b.   Clarification on the AFH eligibility and charges; and

c.   Simplification of various planning instruments to ensure greater consistency and easier compliance for industry professionals.

Notice of Motion – 12 Ft Sailing Club Longueville – Maintaining the assets the community have enjoyed for years. Recommendation    

Councillor Kathy Bryla has put forward a motion in relation to maintaining the 12ft Sailing Clubhouse at Longueville.

The club wrote to its members and explained the need for the motion here:

“We are pleased to let you know that Councillor Kathy Bryla has put forward a recommendation to the Lane Cove Council that they support the planning for and upgrading of a number our Club’s assets including the:

  • existing bathrooms and change rooms
  • clubhouse fire egress
  • slipway

The details of the recommendation are that the Council:

Notes that the 12Ft Sailing Club project is included in the Long Term Financial Plan.

Include in the 2025 Corporate Planning Weekend a report outlining the requirements and scope of works to:

  • Upgrade the clubhouse to meet fire compliance standards
  • Upgrade the change rooms and bathrooms building
  • Replace the slipway (in stages)
  • Present the report with indicative costing
  • Intend to incorporate this project into the Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2025-26, as a “new initiative” listing
  • Engage with the club to explore ways in which the project could be funded affordably, through appropriate co-contributions or other funding models.
  • Officers Report for Determination

Notices of MotionNotice of Motion – Bob Campbell Oval – Removal of Dog Enclosure and Removal of Fencing on C2 Land Recommendation

The land zoned C2 at the northern end of the Bob Campbell Reserve was protected by a specific resolution passed on 24 January 2022, which resolved that no work should be carried out on the C2 land.

Lane Cove Council resolved in 2023 that to make budget savings, the playground planned for the northern end of the site would no longer be installed and would be replaced with an enclosed dog area. An enclosed dog area had not been contemplated in the approved Master Plan—BCO was intended to be a shared open space.

It has now been confirmed that the northern fence of the dog enclosure sits on C2 land.

Mayor Merri Southwood is proposing a motion that seeks to reflect the spirit of the 2022 resolution at the least expense to the project. This would involve the removal of the fence at the northern end and opening up the area for public recreation rather than limiting its use to a dog enclosure.

The requirements of the Companion Animals Act in terms of responsible management of dogs will apply to use of the entire BCO reserve, as was the case before works were commenced at BCO.

Staff have advised the cost of removal is approximately $4000 which will be funded from the project budget.

The proposed resolution is:



That Council:-

1.   does not provide a dog off-leash enclosure at the northern end of Bob Campbell Oval;

2.   retains the area to the north of the sports field as shared recreation space;

3.   removes the section of fencing at the north end of the site that is located within C2 zoned land, the cost of removal of the fence to be funded from the project budget;

4.   undertakes planting consistent with C2 zoning to enhance the area north of the sports field as a shared recreation space;

5.   in the event that there is no budget for the works in 4 above in Council’s 2024-25 budget, to procure an estimate of the cost of these works, with a view to inclusion in the Council budget for 2025-26; and

6.   prioritises the implementation of its dog education program to ensure that dog owners are fully informed as to their responsibility to ensure that their use of grassed sports fields for dog- walking is consistent with Council regulations and with their responsibility to ensure that the actions of their dogs do not pose a risk to other users of the fields.


Notice of Motion – Proposed Review to support the reporting and delivery of Major Projects Recommendation    

Councillor Kennedy has tabled a notice of motion recommending that Council establish improvements in reporting details and regularity to support the delivery of Major Projects whilst minimising additional resourcing requirements.

The proposed resolution is:


That Council :-

  1. Acknowledges Council Officers have provided high level updates to Councillors on a regular basis at Councillor Workshops about some major projects currently underway,
  2. Notes that the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee identified at the June 2024 meeting reporting improvement recommendations for Major Projects over $2 million,
  3. Notes that high-level reporting of Major Projects are currently provided to ARIC quarterly but that this three-month delay and current lack of detail could reduce proactive management of risk, as the information is historic,
  4. Notes that the monthly snapshot and Council websites provides high-level project reporting to the public on projects and quarterly budgetary changes are included in the quarterly budget review,
  5. From the start of 2025, for major projects over $2 million (the amount advised by ARIC), provide detailed reports on a quarterly basis to ARIC (incorporating the Risk Traffic Light System) containing the following information;
  6. Original budget
  7. Revised budget
  8. Total Expenditure (including commitments)
  9. Original Completion Date
  10. Revised Completion Date
  11. Project Background
  12. Project Summary Status
  13. Project Budget Status
  14. Project Timeline Status
  15. Project Risk Status
  16. Project imagery/photos
  17. For projects over $5 million, provide monthly versions of the above reports to the governing body on a confidential basis via the Hub to ensure the governing body has all the information required to make timely and informed decisions in regard to risk and budget involved in the procurement and delivery of Major Projects; and
  18. Provide real-time reporting to Councillors on use of project contingency of 50% or $500,000 whichever is lower.


Notice of Motion – Report on Review of St Leonards South Precinct Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan Recommendation    

Councillors Southwood, Roendfeldt and Greenwell have tabled a notice of motion calling for a review of the St Leonards South Precinct- Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan and to investigate funding the new local park as early as possible in the development timeline with a report on the review and investigation to be tabled for consideration at the Council Planning workshop in 2025 or as soon as practicable after that with any amendments to the plan to be tabled for the approval of Council before submission of the amended plan to IPART.

The proposed resolution is





1.   in accordance with Clause 6.6 of St Leonards South Precinct- Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan dated March 2022 and adopted by Council on 19 April 2022, Council will

(a)  review the contributions plan in three (3) years following the plan’s commencement date. This will include consideration of updated information on planning assumptions, and the scope, cost and timing of land acquisitions and carrying out of works in the plan’s works schedule

(b)  Council will also investigate funding the new local park as early as possible in the development timeline, before incorporating changes in the next review of this contributions plan

2.   a report on the review and investigation detailed in 1 above be tabled for consideration at the Council Planning workshop in 2025 or as soon as practicable thereafter

3.   amendments to the plan (if any) be tabled for the approval of Council before submission of the amended plan to IPART.


Presentation of Audited Annual Financial Statements – Year Ended 30 June 2024 Recommendation

The proposed resolution is:

That Council receive and note the Annual Financial Statements, together with the Auditors Report, for the year ended 30 June 2024.

Officer’s Reports


14 Gay Street – November 2024 Update Recommendation    Minute   

14 Gay Street – Tree Protection Plan

At its July 2024 meeting Council resolved to dedicate 14 Gay Street as Community Land, rezone the property C2 – Environmental Conservation. It was also resolved to develop a detailed plan for the removal of the existing building, including tree protection measures, remediation of the land and construction of a new bush track through the property connecting to the bush track in Upper Stringybark Creek Reserve.

The Community Land dedication became effective from the date of the Council resolution and the property will be rezoned as C2 – Environmental Conservation when the next general LEP update occurs.

It is recommended that $200,000 be provided to complete the works with an additional $7,500 per annum provided to restore and maintain the bushland.

Council has not budgeted to undertake this project in the current financial year and it is proposed to put this project up for consideration in the 2025/26 financial year’s budget.

The proposed resolution is:


That Council:-

  1. Consider funding the 14 Gay Street Demolition project in the 2025/26 financial year’s budget at an estimated cost of $200,000; and
  2. Incorporate the 14 Gay Street property into Upper Stringy Bark Creek Reserve, to be managed in line with Council’s current Bushland Plan of Management.


Stringybark Reserve Draft Masterplan for Community Consultation Recommendation   

Council’s Operational and Delivery Plan nominated Stringybark Reserve for the development of a Masterplan. This Masterplan will be used as a guiding tool for Council to plan future upgrades and the funding required to deliver them.

Council undertook Stage One of the community consultation and has incorporated the feedback in the Draft Masterplan for Stringybark Reserve.

The Draft Masterplan for Stringybark Reserve (AT – 1) is recommended for adoption for the purposes of undertaking community consultation as outlined in the report.


Stringybark Reserve is a park in a residential area of Lane Cove North, where it neighbours Upper Stringybark Creek Reserve. The park currently provides various types of amenity to the nearby residents, including access to the bush track, playground, picnic facilities, gym equipment, basketball half court, community garden, connection to streets and off-leash dog walking.

Planning for the Stringybark Reserve Masterplan commenced last year (2023), with Stage One of the community consultation. The community was notified through various mediums, including a letter box drop to the nearby residents, signage in the park and social media reminders. During the six-week consultation period, Council received 103 survey responses, 11 emails and one written letter.

The results of the Stage One consultation are published on the Have Your Say website and have been used to form the current Stringybark Reserve Draft Masterplan.


Summary of Community Consultation

During the community consultation process, common themes were identified:

  • 90.3% walk to the reserve, as opposed to other transport methods
  • The most popular activities are access to the bush track and playground
  • 51% agreed for introduction of toilets
  • 43% agreed for the upgrade of the playground
  • 40% agreed for the addition or upgrade of seats and benches
  • The most selected play equipment types were slide, climbing and obstacle course
  • Unprompted, the most common free response was to improve drainage and the grassed area

Proposed Masterplan

 The Stringybark Reserve Draft Masterplan includes a site analysis, community consultation feedback summary with the design response, and a draft masterplan with detailed stages.

The draft Masterplan includes the following elements:

  • Upgrade of the existing playground
  • New footpath to playground
  • New community garden
  • Improved drainage incorporating Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features such as grassed swale and rain gardens
  • Upgrade existing off-leash dog area
  • Picnic shelter
  • Accessible toilets
  • Garden beds
  • New multipurpose half court
  • New outdoor fitness station
  • Footpath lighting

Council has been successful in receiving three (3) separate grants to assist in the implementation of the masterplan:

Funder Grant Name Works Allocated Funding amount (excl GST)
NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure


Places to Roam Community Gardens Round 3


New Community Garden $55,362
NSW Premiers Department The Local Small Commitments Allocation (LSCA) Upgrade to drainage $40,000
Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 4


Upgrade to playground $180,185
Total $275,547


The proposed resolution is:

That Council:

1.         Adopt the Draft Stringybark Reserve Masterplan for the purpose of public exhibition;

2.         Undertake community consultation of the draft masterplan for six (6) weeks as outlined in the consultation strategy; and

3.         The Draft Stringybark Reserve Masterplan along with submissions and amendments from the exhibition period be the subject of a further report to Council .

You can view the plan here.

Naming of the New Multipurpose Performance Space Recommendation   

The officer’s report recommends naming the new multipurpose performance venue at 1 Pottery Lane as the “Pottery Lane Performance Space” to reflect its purpose and location. The recommended name aligns with both community input and regulatory requirements.

Submission to the Office of Local Government NSW – Councillor Conduct and Meeting Practices Recommendation

The resolution is that Council endorse the Draft Submission, presented to councillors, and lodge it with the OLG on or before 29 November 2024.

You can view the report here.

2024/25 Budget – First Quarter Review Recommendation  

The following statement by the Responsible Accounting Officer is made in accordance with Clause 203(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

It is my opinion that the 2024/25 Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Lane Cove Council for the quarter ended 30 September 2024 indicates that Council’s projected financial position will be satisfactory at year end 30 June 2025, having regard to the projected estimates of income and expenditure and the original budgets for income and expenditure.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan – 2024/25 First Quarter Review. Recommendation 

The 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan was adopted by Council on 20 June 2024.

Council’s 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan outlines the strategies, actions and new initiatives proposed to be undertaken during the financial year in order to advance the goals and objectives of the Community Strategic Plan: Liveable Lane Cove: 2035. The First Quarter Review of the 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan is attached at AT-1. The report indicates the responsible work area and includes a short progress report and action status.

Some highlights for the First Quarter include:-

  • Finalisation of the 2022-2024 Council Term, including production of the State of the City/End of Term Report and associated video (produced in house);
  • Assisted the NSW Electoral Commission to conduct the 2024 Local Government Election in September 2024;
  • Assisted the Audit Office NSW in its external audit of Council’s financial accounts and internal controls;
  • Council continued to maintain its position as an industry leader in regard to processing Development Applications. Averaging a turnaround time for the quarter of 33 days;
  • Council was recognised as a finalist in both the KABNSW and LGNSW Sustainability awards for a number of our Sustainability programs, including the Sustainability Review of our DCP, our Community Renewables program (including our rebates), and our ReturnR program to normalise reusable containers. Council was also announced as a finalist in the prestigious Local Sustainability category of LGNSW’s Excellence in the Environment Awards for our overall program of Sustainable Actions for a Liveable Lane Cove. Final results on this award will be announced in December;
  • Hosted two intergenerational workshops this quarter as part of the broader Weaving Climate Stories Social Cohesion Program. Held with Greenwich Public School and Currambena Primary School, the workshops brought together students from participating schools with older residents to connect and learn from each other while also learning about the indigenous practice of weaving and yarning;
  • Council hosted our Inaugural Climate Fresk workshop, which brought together learning around the causes and impacts of climate change, with discussions around leadership and how to utilise different leadership skills to improve sustainability;


  • During EmergencyRedi Week in September, Council hosted a stall at Lane Cove Library with the Australian Red Cross which provided visitors to the library with information on creating a personalised RediPlan and being prepared for disasters. This information was also shared via online communication channels and in Council newsletters;
  • Launched our latest “Ask a Sustainability Expert” program which provides residents access to expert advice via a free 30 minute consultation on topics such as energy efficiency, solar, improving sustainability in strata buildings, building and renovating, composting, native gardening and habitat creation;
  • Achieved significant media attention for its work on the Longueville tree vandalism site with the installation of a 7 x 4 metre banner. Media coverage was achieved across all mediums, including TV, Radio, Print and even international news coverage;
  • St Leonards Library launched a new Digital Artwork exhibition for NAIDOC week and beyond by Ngunnawal woman Melle Smith Harmonia – Indigitober which reimagines Anime featuring Aboriginal heroes and heroines;
  • The Library services team hosted National Science Week programs about 3D Shape Creations and Children’s Book Week Competitions;
  • Community Assistance Grants Program was adopted and celebrated at the August presentation evening. Over $550,000 was awarded to support 18 local not-for-profit groups offering programs to promote social cohesion and connections.
  • Organised workshops and skill-building activities for young people through Synergy Youth Centre, Youth Advisory Group, public speaking, music, and social inclusion workshops, as well as Wear It Purple Day activities to support LGBTQIA+ youth;
  • Support for homelessness through a dedicated web resource, improved cooperation with local agencies to address social concerns and continuous improvements to accessibility and facilities;
  • Adopted and launched the new Strategy for an Age Friendly Lane Cove to drive improved outcomes for seniors in the LGA;
  • Commenced work on transforming the Terrace Function Room into a multipurpose performance space;
  • Commenced work to create a new artist studio in Greenwich by renovating the former Gem Club site;
  • Collaborated with developers for new Early Childhood Education Centres at St Leonards, where a detailed design agreement for the fit-out of the new building was determined;
  • Kindy Cove established a new partnership with a local aged care home to have a regular visits from the preschool group for some intergenerational programs;
  • Celebrated and supported various community awareness events, including NAIDOC Week, Dementia Action Week, R U OK? Day, and Wear It Purple Day;
  • Celebrated Winterfest with music and a neon light public art installation at The Canopy as well as Lane Cove Festival, which featured over 55 local activities and fostered cultural identity, heritage, and collaboration;
  • On The Verge provided 381 plants for nature strips and pocket parks, the majority of which were supplied by Council’s Community Nursery (310);
  • Tree Day event was held at Burns Bay reserve with the 35 volunteers attending planting 400 trees, shrubs and ground covers; and
  • Volunteers contributed 484 hours of work during 61 Bushcare sessions.

Review of Community Strategic Plan – Lane Cove 2035 – Community Engagement Plan Recommendation

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) Framework for NSW Councils requires each Council to have as the core of its framework a long term Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP must be reviewed every four years by each new council following ordinary local government elections.

The Community Strategic Plan identifies the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future, and must address social, environmental, economic and civic leadership issues. It may include priorities and aspirations which fall to State or Federal government agencies or the non-Government sector to meet. The Community Strategic Plan will therefore also identify opportunities for partnerships and may include issues with a broader regional focus.

The Community Strategic Plan must include:-

  • a community vision statement
  • a series of strategic objectives for the community
  • strategies for achieving each objective
  • assessment methods for determining whether the objectives are being achieved.

It is recommended Council endorse the proposed Community Engagement Plan for the review of the Community Strategic Plan – Lane Cove 2035, as outlined in this report.

2022 to 2024 State of the City Report (formerly known as End of Council Term Report) Recommendation    

The officer’s report has listed the following highlights:

  • Council achieved the highest liveability rating in NSW for the 2023 Australian Livability Census,
  • Council received a Highly Commended award for our Community Led Resilience in High Density Housing Program at the 2023 LGNSW Excellence in the Environment Awards,
  • The Canopy Won Juried and Popular Choice awards for the best ceiling in the world in the International Architizer A+Awards for the mirrored periscope ceiling at The Canopy.
  • Australian first: Street side power poles in Lane Cove transformed into electric vehicle charging stations, boasting nine operational chargers on local streets and a total of 30 chargers, including those in Council’s off-street car parks,
  • An award winning new green space was opened at St Leonards, Wadangarri Park,
  • A new state-of-the-art library opened at St Leonards,
  • St Leonards Central Car Park, a 300-space public basement carpark located at 88 Christie Street, St Leonards was officially opened,
  • Council was recognised for exceptional planning and implementation of Wadanggari Park and St Leonards Library precinct by Place Leaders Asia Pacific in their international competition for Excellence in Governance Award,
  • The official opening of Friedlander Place in St Leonards, named after Council’s longest serving Alderman, Syd Friedlander,
  • The new Sport and Recreation Facility at 180 River Road, Lane Cove commenced construction,
  • As part of its Bushland Expansion Program, Council acquired 14 Gay Street, adding 2,801 square metres to its bushland portfolio,
  • Council installed an 88kW Solar PV system at the Aquatic Centre with an estimated annual generation of 127,500kWh. This brings the total solar PV to 151kW at the Aquatic Centre, the largest system at any of Council’s facilities,
  • A new 51kw system was installed at Councils’ Works Depot, including two Tesla Batteries,
  • Lane Cove CBD, Longueville Road Landscape, Street Furniture and Paving upgrade, that included additional disabled parking spaces,
  • The new Tantallon Oval Pavillion was officially opened,
  • Council completed the Longueville Park Playground upgrade,
  • Upgraded the Central Park and Tambourine Bay Reserve Toilet Facilities,
  • Completed the track upgrade at Woodford Bay,
  • New shared user path on Tambourine Bay Road,
  • Shorelink celebrated its 40th Anniversary at St Leonards Library,
  • A new Community Engagement Strategy was developed
  • A new online Community Engagement Platform (EHQ) was launched to enable the new Community Engagement Strategy,
  • A new Council Website was developed (with the assistance of a digital transformation reference group comprising local community members with expertise in digital applications) and launched in June 2023,
  • 11 independent internal Audits were undertaken during the term, including 6 audits during 2023/24,
  • The introduction of a new Council Resolution Tracker Database, with reports publicly available on Council’s website,
  • Council’s Cyber Security Policy and Incident Response Plan were developed, adopted and tested during the term,
  • The Sustainability Levy funded 124 projects spanning environmental, social, and economic sustainability initiatives. These projects include increased Solar PV on Council facilities, almost 2,000 plants planted in Naturestrips and Sustainability Lane Event, in conjunction with Rotary Fair, that attracted approximately 15,000 attendees.
  • Council launched a new Solar Bulk Buy initiative,
  • The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 – 2026 (DIAP) was developed and adopted,
  • Council was a winner of the Environmental Leadership Awards at the 2022 NSW Local Government Excellence Awards.
  • Council delivered a Street Art Cycle Tour that showcases the street art (murals, sculptures and street libraries) around Lane Cove LGA
  • Council adopted the Sustainability Action Plan 2022-2025
  • Council launched a partnership in August with RecycleSmart to provide residents with a pick-up service of tricky to recycle items such as soft plastics and textiles
  • Council continues to make significant steps towards its commitment to sustainable energy practices and reducing our environmental footprint with the total installed solar capacity across Council-owned buildings now standing at 541.4kW.

A video has been developed highlighting the major achievements during the 2022-2024 Council Term. This video, together with the End of Term Report/ State of the City Report is available on Council’s website under

Lane Cove Council Draft Annual Report 2023/24 Recommendation    Minute

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee – 2023/24 Annual Report & Annual Workplan Recommendation

The Draft Annual Report has been prepared to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act.  Upon adoption of the Annual Report, a copy will be forwarded to the Minister as required by the Local Government Act, 1993 and will be publicly accessible via the ‘Plans and Publications’ section on Council’s website.





1.  Council adopt the Draft Annual Report at AT-1 for 2023/24;


2.  The adopted Annual Report be forwarded to the Minister for Local Government; and


3.  The Annual Report be published on Council’s website.



Deferral of the decision about Lane Cove Cenotaph Relocation Recommendation  

The resolution is:

That Council defer consideration of the possible relocation of the Cenotaph in Lane Cove to a future Council meeting and that the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and Lane Cove RSL sub-branch be invited to a Councillor workshop to discuss the proposal early in Q1 2025.

December 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council – Proposed Change of Date. Recommendation  

The December council meeting will be 12 December 2024.

Officers Report for Information

Council Snapshot – October 2024 Recommendation  

Lane Cove Council publishes a monthly snapshot, which sets out what has been happening over the month, from development applications, parking fines, waste and landfill reduction reports, and reports on upcoming footpath maintenance.

Below are some of the stats of interest for October 2024.