Every four years the Greenwich Community comes together for the Greenwich Village Games (their own version of the Olympics). The Games started in 1988 and have huge community support.
The Greenwich Village Games is a real community event. It is superbly organised. It does not matter if you are young or old everyone can be involved (in fact certain events require age groups from young to old and male/female). You did not need to be a supreme athlete to participate in the events.
Here is a list of events that are usually held:
- Golf
- Tennis Ball Throw
- Circle Ball
- Water Run
- Basketball Shoot Out
- Soccer Skills
- 3-Legged Relay
- Obstacle Relay
- Swim Relay
- Cycle Relay
- Running Relay
- Treasure Hunt
- Captain Ball
- Goanna Egg Throw
- Canoe Relay
- Relay Jumps
- Caber Toss
- Medley Relay
- Tug of War
The games finish with a fabulous theatrical revue.
The Greenwich Village Games is a unique community experience, the success of which depends on the spirit in which the teams and events come together. The events themselves should express this spirit and the most successful events have been those which:
1. are events predominantly of skill rather than of chance
2. are played between teams which include a cross-section of ages and both genders
3. are conducted as a relay, with each team member’s achievement contributing to the team’s final result
4. accordingly do not directly pit single competitors against other single competitors
5. require teams to interact with all or most other teams in the course of the event, either simultaneously or in heats. A team should not do well simply because the one team they played against was weak
6. are safe for competitors and spectators alike
7. are accessible to spectators forming a significant proportion of Games’ attendees, and
8. are unlikely (as a result of criteria 1 to 4) to comprise mainstream sports playable under usual rules on any other weekend of the quadrennial.
Photo: Fun at the Greenwich Games 2012 – Source: facebook.com/GreenwichGames
If you are a member of the Greenwich community and would like to be involved in this year games, here are the details for the Games this year. You can register here
You can also check out their Facebook site here or website.
Other information will be on the Greenwich Community Association website. If you want to be more involved in the Greenwich community you should join the GCA.
Wouldn’t it be great if other areas of Lane Cove got together to compete in a similar competition. You could compete for your area. There could be a Longueville v Lane Cove West tug of war or how about a Riverview v Linely Cove bowls game. It would be a fun way to meet other members of your neighbourhood and to have some friendly competition. This would be a fabulous event for the Lane Cove Council to consider funding. Pottery Green would be like the Olympic Stadium.
What do you think? Would you be involved?
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