Lane Cove West Public School Principal, Mrs Judy Doherty, will be retiring at the end of the current school term. Judy Doherty has been with LCWPS for 14 years. She has taken the school from 2 buildings and 190 children to 7 buildings and nearly 600 children. Judy has seen it all; black boards, green boards, white boards, Interactive white boards (which are now becoming old technology), computers and Ipads.
In her time at Lane Cove West, Judy has worked hard to improve the School buildings and grounds. In fact, Judy became so good at asset management and securing funding for capital works that she was asked to join the NSW Primary Principals’ Association Assets Management Reference Group, which sought to address assets and maintenance issues in all Northern Sydney Region public schools.
To secure extra funding, Judy wrote to local parliamentarians, State Government Ministers, and invited the Inspector General to view the school and its conditions in the early years of her principalship. The Multi Billion Dollar Building Education Revolution Programme resulted in LCWPS building a school hall, a new canteen and a COLA.
Judy is so pleased to finally say goodbye to the many demountables that were taking up valuable outdoor playing space. LCWPS now has a netball/volleyball/tennis court. Lane Cove West Public School now fields nine teams in the Northern Suburbs Netball Association Comp.
Judy has worked with a range of P and C committees to raise funds for a playground that is now covered in synthetic turf and is so well designed that it was unaffected by the recent deluge and is very well utilized by all students.
Why did Judy become a teacher?
Judy told ITC that being a teacher is about making a difference. It’s about helping the future generations of Australians. It’s a caring profession. Judy loves being a School Principal and gets teary when she hears the children singing the School song.
Why did Judy accept the role at Lane Cove West Public School?
Judy previously worked at Leichhardt Public School, Castle Cove, Bert Oldfield, Gordon West, Waitara and Eastwood. Judy grew up on the North Shore and went to Chatswood Public School and North Sydney Girls. Judy had friends in Lane Cove and she remembers fondly being cast in the production of the Marriage of Figaro which was held at the Lane Cove Lower Town Hall.
This interest in music has continued today, the LCWPS has a big emphasis on music and the performing arts. This year they will perform Alice in Wonderland.
Judy has a folder packed with wonderful memories and here are just two of the pictures she showed ITC.
Why is Judy Retiring Now?
Judy wanted to implement certain programmes and achieve certain goals before retiring. She feels she has achieved those milestones (such as building a two-storey building, developing a research area in the library and more playing areas). She is proud of the students, staff, and facilities. She feels the school has happy children and happy parents. At a recent conference, Judy was interested to hear that some schools don’t have helicopter parents, they now have drone parents!!!
One of her messages to kids and parents is that children need to learn resilience. Children must be allowed to fail and to learn from their mistakes. It’s all about trying harder the next time and not getting upset about the past.
Judy is a much loved and award winning Principal – here are just a sample of the awards that are on show in her office – a very distinguished career.
What is Next?
Judy is going to take a well-deserved break with her husband Steve. Many Lane Cove West parents will know Judy’s husband as he has worked at the school for seven years in their maintenance team. They are looking forward to visiting their children and grandchildren in Queensland. The apple does not fall far from the tree, with one of Judy’s daughter being a teacher (who is married to a teacher). Judy can’t wait to attend Grandparent’s Day and to watch the school play as a proud grandmother.
A special farewell assembly will be held on Monday 27th June at 2.15pm in the LCWPS School Hall. Anyone who would like to attend and say thank you and farewell is most welcome to attend.
Best of Luck – Judy!!
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