Tuesday 9th August is Census Night. Every five years I look forward to this night. I make sure I am at home and ready to complete the form. While others complain about having to fill it out and lack of privacy, I embrace the fact that the Government wants to plan for the future. The Census is an important document. I was so excited to receive my Log In details today in the mail.
When I started writing this blog, I thought I would see if anyone else loved the Census as much as me. When I googled “ I love the Census”. I was inundated with images from Canada where people had taken Census Selfies. In fact, Canada loved the Census so much they crashed the official site for 45 minutes. I knew I like Canadians for a reason!!
I can’t wait to say to Mr ITC, Honey turn off the TV and let’s do the Census!!! It is a bonding moment that happens every five years. We were so excited when we first included Miss ITC in the Census data.
Our Chief Statistician at the ABS explains why the Census is important:
For more than 105-years, the Census has been the centre of the Australian story, fully and accurately recording our nation’s development while enabling fact-based debate and evidence based policy making.
The Census guides Government funding for essential services and infrastructure and is crucial in setting electoral boundaries, allocating Australian Government funding to states and territories, planning educational and health services and other infrastructure for local communities. The Census informs all levels of government, business, academia and media, and Australians who want to learn the characteristics of towns and cities before buying a home or considering a new job – among many other uses.
The ABS has a twitter feed that is pumping out stats in a very unique and funny way. Here are some of my favourite tweets:
If you need help filling out the Census take a look at this video. If you do not want to fill out the form online.You can request a paper form by calling 1300 820 275. The line is open 24 hours a day. Just make sure you have your Census letter and enter the 12-digit Login number in the middle of the letter.
So make sure you are home on Tuesday 9th August and you fill out that Census – take a Census Selfie and post it on ITC.
Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]
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