Brilliant Burns Bay Bookery Boards

A couple of years ago ITC wrote about how funny signs and window displays can help to revitalise an area.

Burns Bay Bookery is proof of that concept.  Every day they write a different sign and the signs are becoming famous. People are now going out of their way to walk past Burns Bay Bookery to view their funny signs. We thought we would show you our top ten signs. You might have snapped a few signs that you love – send them to us.

Number Ten

burns bay bookery

Number Nine

burns bay bookery

This sign appeared the week that About Life opened. We love the fact that it was topical and funny.

Number Eight

burns bay bookery

This signed appeared after our unseasonable hot spell and then the big wet.

Number Seven

burns bay bookery

We love this one – it is actually quite brilliant. Book Shops will become extinct if everyone shops online. Books may be cheaper online, but you don’t get the thrill of seeing the book before you buy. Have you ever had an iPad injury when you drop your iPad on your head as you fall asleep while reading (ITC has)?

Number Six

burns bay bookery

The signs says it all. Books don’t talk back, they don’t complain and they don’t ask you to make them a cuppa.

Number Five

burns bay bookery

This statement is so true, and mums do like books for any occasion.

Number Four

burns bay bookery

They had us at chocolate.

Number Three


Everyone loves a new winter jacket.

Number Two

A day in bed with a book – yes please!

Number One

BBB sign

It is very hard to come up with funny and witty statements but the team at BBB is doing a good job

Bonus funny

What is your favourite? What is the wittiest book related comment you have seen?


Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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