Lane Cove Week in Review – 17 to 23 July 2017

Welcome to our Lane Cove Week in Review for 17 to 23 July 2017.

Council Work on River Road West

You may have noticed a large section of council land fenced off on River Road West.  Lane Cove Council is constructing a Gross Pollutant Trap in Warraroon Reserve.  An underground device is being installed to collect stormwater pollutants to protect Tambourine Creek from degradation.  The work is expected to take five weeks and will include trucks coming and going and some noise from an excavator.  If you have any issues contact 0434 327 746.

Eggings in Lane Cove

In August last year we reported on a disturbing trend of “eggings” in Lane Cove. This weekend eggs were being dropped onto cars from a unit in Finlayson Street – police were called.  More egging incidents were reported on the Pacific Highway and in Cope Street.

Blackout in Lane Cove West/Riverview

Over 1500 customers were without power on 18th July after a bat flew into a power line.

New Business

A Yoga Studio is being constructed above Birdwood Cafe on Birdwood Avenue.


Crime and Incident Report

We have had a few reports (including one from this weekend) where people have left their bags at functions in Lane Cove and they have been swooped on by thieves (who act very quickly). If you are out and about in Lane Cove always keep your bag with you. Particularly if you are at a restaurant, pub or function place. By the way, if you see any purses, wallets or phones thrown around particularly near bus stops please tell police.

From the North Shore LAC Facebook Page

Break/Enter and Steal – Lane Cove

Between 7:30pm Tuesday 4th July and 11:30pm Wednesday 5th July unknown person/s have gained entry to a storage facility located in the underground car park of a unit block on Burns Bay Dr Lane Cove.

The unknown person/s have accessed the storage cage by opening a closed but not locked door to the cage. Property stolen from the storage cage includes a large amount of alcohol and numerous other items the owners were given recently as gifts.

Join the local cops for coffee at Lane Cove Plaza on Wed 26 July – More details HERE.

Our Weekly Newsletter

Each Wednesday evening, we email out a newsletter to subscribers. It is full of events, news and more! You can read this week’s newsletter HERE.

Subscribe for next week HERE.

Photo by @sun_nyside_up
Photo by @sun_nyside_up

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