Inquiry into Support for New Parents and Their Babies

The birth of a baby is such an exciting and joyful time.  It can also be a very stressful and challenging time.  If it’s your first child you go to the hospital as two and come out as three (and a family).  Children do not come with instruction manuals. Who do you turn to if your child is screaming constantly or you are having trouble with breastfeeding?  The answer is simple.  If you want support and advice you go to the Lane Cove Early Childhood Centre.

The Lane Cove Early Childhood Health Centre (ECHC) provides a free one-to-one basis (either drop-in or appointment), or group sessions (where they link you up with your mother’s group), telephone consultation/ counseling and home visits. The Centre is there to provide support and information on child/parent issues for 0-5 years through individual clinic appointments, group programmes and information sessions.

Using the personal health record (PHR), or ‘Blue Book’ parents are encouraged to attend their local ECHC or GP for regular health checks following birth, 1-4 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years and 4 years.  Problems identified but not able to be resolved at the ECHC level can be referred to the next level of service, the Family Care Centres.

ITC can personally attest to the expertise and dedication of the nurses at the Lane Cove Early Childhood Centre. They know exactly what to do and how to help you.  They work under very difficult conditions and in an outdated office.  The Lane Cove Council is upgrading the waiting room, but NSW Health is responsible for the offices.  The offices are tired and run down and if it is your first time using the centre, you might want to walk out, as the offices are so depressing.  However the nursing staff are amazing.

ITC has raised the issue of the premises with the Lane Cove Council (who is not responsible for early child care) and our local member The Hon Anthony Roberts.

In mid-September the NSW Parliament announced an inquiry into support services to help parents create a safe and nurturing home for their baby.  The Early Childhood Health Service is the most important service to new parents.  Their offices, throughout NSW, are located in older buildings with limited resources.  The Committee Chair of the  NSW Parliament’s Committee on Community Service Mr Kevin Conolly MP said

“Parents often don’t think of their own physical and mental health when caring for a baby. It’s important that they know how and where to get support when they need it.” The inquiry will examine if current services meet the needs of new of parents and babies. There will be a focus on how to improve the mental and physical health of families with new babies. The inquiry will also look at how health outcomes for babies can be improved. The role technology can play in service delivery will also be examined. “We know how important the early years in a child’s life are for their development. This is a vital time in shaping their future learning and emotional development.” “We’re keen to hear from parents and all interested groups about the services available to new parents. We want to know if the support and resources are meeting their needs. And about what can be done to improve the quality and availability of services.”

Further information, including the inquiry’s terms of reference and how to make a submission, is on the Committee’s webpage at

The closing date for submissions is 17 November 2017.  

If you would like to see more resources, updated offices, more staff and more technology then please lodge a submission.  

If you are looking for childcare centres and preschools in Lane Cove you can find them in our business directory. If you are looking for children’s activities you can find our more in our business directory.

Cover Photo by Kylie Dunlop Photography – an #itcgoldsponsor


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