We are delighted to introduce you to Lane Cove Local Rose Edwards. ITC first met Rose Edwards when Rose was awarded a Lane Cove Citizenship Award. Rose is a tireless community worker.
How long have you lived in the Lane Cove Council area?
I’ve lived in Lane Cove for 20 years.
Why do you like living in Lane Cove?
Having always been a city girl, I love Lane Cove’s proximity to the Sydney CBD while at the same time having a cosy atmosphere where community interaction is embraced and encouraged.
What is your favourite thing to do in Lane Cove?
I love spending time on the plaza green with my honorary grandchildren – children of good friends – and meeting friends at any one of the many vibrant cafés and restaurants.
How did you get involved in your volunteer/charity work?
In 2003, I started helping at Lane Cove Theatre Company when my daughter Sarah joined the cast in a pantomime – dressing, repairing and altering their costumes and now ending up as the company’s costume and prop creator.
I look forward to coordinating and making costumes for our next productions: ‘The Last Five Years’ and very especially the children’s musical ‘The Jungle Book’.
The bulk of the costumes and props I make are from materials I buy from charity shops, including the fabulous Reverse Garbage in Marrickville, and recycled common household items like paper, cardboard, fabric remnants, etc. This is important as LCTC being a not for profit company has to operate on a shoe string. Here is an example of some of Rose’s costume in the Toad from Toad Hall.
It was about this time too that I started as a volunteer with Lane Cove and North Side Community Services (then Lane Cove Community Aid Services) in a number of their senior services. I am now one of three volunteer leaders in charge of a seniors’ volunteer craft-making group – Friends of Community Aid Services (FOCAS). FOCAS knit, sew and crochet children’s/babies’ clothes and we have projects that donate trauma dolls, toys, blankets and more to children’s hospitals and various charity organisations. To fund these, we sell our handmade wares four times a year in the plaza, kindly supported by Lane Cove Council. A large part of our proceeds go to the local nursing services. New members are always welcome.
Why do you do this work?
I love giving all the time and energy I can spare to help make a difference, however small to others’ lives.
What can improve in Lane Cove?
It’s lovely to have many new residents in Lane Cove but we need more infrastructure, especially transport and amenities so that everyone in Lane Cove can live comfortably.
Describe yourself in three words.
Resourceful. Imaginative. Caring.
Is there anything ITC or Lane Cove can do to support your efforts?
As I am passionate about supporting the arts in our local community, I find it disheartening that performance groups in Lane Cove have not been provided with the facilities they need to thrive. Lane Cove has so much to offer in terms of the arts, but it is difficult for us to reach our full potential without the support that we need, primarily in the form of a shared performance centre.
I appreciate all the support that In The Cove gives to the arts in Lane Cove, and hope that we can continue this relationship for many, many years.
Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]
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