Local Councils are Cracking Down on Dog Poop

Australia is home to 4.8 million pet dogs; each doggie produces a huge 1.5 tonnes of poop over its lifetime.  If you’ve played on a Lane Cove sports field you will be aware that not everyone picks up after their dog.  This problem happens all over the world and local councils are taking action.

Casey City Council in Victoria has introduced a local law where a person can be fined if they are walking their dog without having an excrement bag or receptacle.

In England, a local council (ironically the Borough of Barking) was so sick of the mess being left behind they have introduced a voluntary Dog Poop DNA programme. 

The voluntary scheme was introduced after an initial trial, during the trail the Council saw a 50% reduction in dog mess (aka poop).

Another English county has put out to public comment two options:

  • If your dog’s poo is found and you have voluntarily registered your dog’s DNA you will receive a lower fine;
  • Any dog owner wishing to enter a specific area where there is persistent dog fouling must have their dog DNA tested and registered, at their own expense of about £35 per dog.

The DNA technology was developed by Pooprints in Knoxville, Tennessee. This technology can also be used for dog paternity testing.

Of course another way to help with the dog poo problem is to put more plastic bag dispenser in place.  Yes, the Lane Cove Council has plastic bags at Leash Free Parks, but should plastic bag dispensers be available in Lane Cove Plaza and other shopping areas? ITC spotted these plastic bag dispensers evenly spaced along a well used walking track in San Deigo.

Dog Poo dispenser

So is Dog Poo a problem in your street?  If so, do we need more dog waste bag dispensers or do we need to look at something like DNA testing of dogs?  We would love to hear your thoughts.

Mosman Council has developed a campaign around the Poo Fairy.

We saw this on Reddit and thought it was quite funny.

Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]

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