Cleaning up After Others… Stringy Bark Creek Residents’ Association

On Clean Up Australia Day  63 volunteers cleaned up Batten Reserve Bushland and the surrounding streets. The event, hosted by The Stringybark Creek Residents Association and supported by the Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group, brought young and old together to join forces in a massive clean up as part of Clean Up Australia.

Families and residents of all ages 2 years through to over 80 took part as well as the enthusiastic and very helpful Lane Cove Guides. Mayor Pam Palmer and Councillor Andrew Zbik joined in.  The SBCRA would like to thank the Lane Cove Council for supporting the BBQ and providing them with extra bags and gloves.

It’s great to see the various strands of our community coming together for the purpose of protecting our precious environment

The Clean Up crew filled 36 bags, which included 518 drink containers, and at least 250 plastic bags. Lots of plastic bags, bottles, and household items cleared up including roofing sheets, cushions, clothes, and even chairs and scooters all dumped in the bushland.

Although there was a great community spirit present, the question does arise: Why do we need to clean up after others? The vast majority of litter items collected was in someone’s hand at some point. What can we do to change human behaviour in order to have a different outcome?

The Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group support a multi-tiered approach to reducing litter, which includes fines, the long awaited 10c deposit scheme on bottles and cans, a ban on single use plastic bags and not least of all education. Australians care about their environment and will continue to clean up but the LSAG does not want to see councils and governments take steps to turn off the litter producing tap at the other end for the sake of those who inherit the planet we leave behind.

The 10c Return and Earn scheme in combination with the removal of free plastic bags which will all be in place this year will hopefully have an impact on the amount of litter the SBCRA will be picking up next year. Let’s make our life much less plastic, by Refusing, Reusing and Recycling, in that order.

If you are interested in joining the Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group contact Sjirk Bangma on 0418 613 740

Lane Cove Sustainability


Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]