It was another big news week in Lane Cove.
The Lodge has Closed
The biggest (and saddest) news is The Lodge closed on Monday. The rent for these premises is astronomical and it is very hard to keep a business going with reduced foot traffic, less parking and a rent review on the horizon. Matt and Marketa were always very generous and donated to many local charities.
Helicopters Over Lane Cove
This week four Army helicopters were flying very low over Lane Cove. They were flying so low the windows rattled. This was part of a training exercise that is taking place between 05 Feb – 08 Mar 2018.
The exercise is to ensure pilots and aircrew are well trained for flying in all conditions across urban and rural areas. Flights occur during the afternoon and evening generally concluding by 11.30 pm. There were reports of people hearing them at midnight.
Better Signage
The Lane Cove Council has finally painted the words “Seniors Parking” on the seniors parking spot in Coles. Many people have unwittingly parked in these spots due to bad signage. Now there is no excuse. You can obtain a seniors parking permit from Lane Cove Council, more information here.
Wet Weather
It was a wet start to the week with a big downpour. It resulted in a new attraction in Lane Cove – the Rosenthal Avenue Car Park Pool.
Wet Weather Accident
The wet weather made the roads slippery and there were some bingles. One person lost control of their car and it ended on top of a Porche parked at Jack and Co. The staff said the owner of the Porche was so lovely and all he was worried about was that no-one was injured.
If it is wet, then that always means an accident at the Bridge Road/River Road Intersection – which of course there was.
Accident at the Diddy Intersection
Yet another accident this week at the Longueville Road/River Road West Intersection. The driver said he had never been through this intersection before and was confused when he saw the green arrow. ITC immediately rang our local State Member the Hon. Anthony Roberts and asked him to speak to the relevant minister.
Pottery Green Fence
A Petition was presented at the last Lane Cove Council meeting asking for better fencing at Pottery Green Oval. The fence now needs to be repaired after this incident.
Gold Cup
The annual Gold Cup was held at Riverview this weekend.
Well Done to Local Fundraising Heroes
Tristin, Grace, Max & Dylan made $250 for Delvena Women’s Refuge when they sold their books, toys and DVD’s at a garage sale this weekend. Thanks to everyone who supported them.
Warning About Toxic Puffer Fish
A Roving Reporter told us that they saw a lorikeet having a seizure in their backyard. This is becoming a common sight in Lane Cove. Another roving reporter saw two Kookaburras who had died due to seizures. Be careful when walking your pets near the water. There are toxic puffer fish in our waterways and animals that come in contact with these fish can suffer seizures and die. You can find out more information here.
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