From time to time roving reporters will alert In the Cove to a mobile speed camera located on Mowbray Road between Centennial Avenue and Pacific Highway Lane Cove North. Is this camera a revenue raising tool or is it located in a well-known traffic accident black spot to assist in accident prevention?
We have been told by a few Roving Reporter that the mobile speed camera on Mowbray Road are “hidden” between vehicles making it difficult to spot. ITC decided to investigate the use of Mobile Speed Cameras in Lane Cove and the NSW government’s policy on making a driver aware they are approaching a Mobile Speed Camera.
How do you know where a Mobile Speed Camera is located?
There are 640 Mobile Speed Cameras located in NSW. You can search their locations here. Originally the only mobile speed camera in the Lane Cove Council Area was located on Mowbray Road and was moved along different sections of the road. The Centre for Road Safety now lists the areas below as places where a mobile camera will be located. There are other speed cameras in Lane Cove such as fixed cameras and red light cameras.
Why are Mobile Speed Cameras Used?
According to Transport for NSW, Mobile Speed Cameras are an important tool in reducing traffic accidents:
“Mobile speed cameras work like fixed speed cameras, but are moved in vehicles from location to location. Mobile speed cameras are effective because they are unpredictable. Their operation creates a general deterrence against speeding, leading to a crash reduction across the whole network – not just at camera locations.
The NSW Government recognises that mobile speed cameras effectively reduce speeding and lead to a reduction in crashes. Mobile speed cameras are a main element of the NSW Speed Camera Strategy and support police operations and other types of camera enforcement in NSW.”
The RMS states on their website that as part of the NSW Auditor-General’s recommendation to provide the community with information on the road safety impact of speed cameras, they monitor the effectiveness of all speed cameras in NSW. Annual speed camera reviews systematically evaluate all speed cameras to ensure they continue to have a positive effect on driver behaviour and help reduce crashes. Speed cameras that do not appear to be effective will be reviewed and removed if they are found to be ineffective.
Are There Signs to Warn Motorists About the Speed Cameras?
In December 2015, the NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay announced new measures to ensure NSW motorists were made aware of the new mobile speed cameras. This included new high visibility signage on the mobile speed camera vehicles.
Minister Gay said, “If you miss one of these vehicles, frankly you shouldn’t be driving.”
Three different signs must be placed near the mobile speed camera. Warning signs should be placed at 250 metres on approach and again at 50 metres. A third sign indicates that the car’s speed has been checked.
Minister Gay further commented, “We don’t want your money – we want you to slow down – we want to save your life and the lives of your loved ones,”
Speed Cameras have been on Mowbray Road quite a bit in the last month. See how they position the sign.
Many people have said, does it matter if the sign is hidden, you should do the speed limit anyway. This is so true. ITC just hopes there is a tiny bit of tolerance – it is quite easy to look down and see your doing just over 50 kms and then adjust your speed.
What is Your Experience?
Have you seen the Mobile Speed Camera on Mowbray Road? We would love to hear your comments.
Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]
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