Join FoodFaith and The Lane Cove Council to help celebrate Plastic Free July by building a gorgeous greenwall for the Synergy Youth Centre in Lane Cove! Partnered with Australia’s own greenwall guru Mark Paul, FoodFaith and The Lane Cove Council will be building a striking greenwall at the Synergy Youth Centre out of plastic P.E.T. bottles that the local youth have collected.
What is a Greenwall?
Greenwalls are soil-less vertical gardens grown on the surface of built structures, designed to mimic the growing conditions found where greenwalls occur in nature. Whilst the greenwall will help clean the air for the youth centre, most importantly, it will be something that will help create an inviting and comfortable space for the Lane Cove youth. Sitting near the edible garden, it will also provide great inspiration for the replanting of the garden in the coming months.
Plastic Free July is a global movement to dramatically reduce plastic use and improve recycling by raising awareness of our growing plastic waste problem and support behaviour change. The vision is really, a world without plastic. To help celebrate this vision, FoodFaith and The Lane Cove Council will be working with Mark Paul and his P.E.T. Bottle Greenwall Project to build a Greenwall on July 7th 2018 at the Synergy Youth Centre.
Mark Paul has spent over 30 years testing and installing greenwalls suited to the Australian climate. Mark was the 2012 Australian Horticulturist of the Year and also backed this up with the 2014 Community Award of Excellence. He is also part of the original team behind the impressive Qantas International First Lounge green wall, designed by celebrated tropical botanist Patrick Blanc. Mark will be helping FoodFaith run the workshop at Synergy, which will be a wonderful day, open to anyone wanting to join.
FoodFaith founder, Judy Friedlander says of the Greenwall,
“It’s a fantastic education opportunity in how to “reuse” and “recycle” everyday products in order to make something of great beauty. This project has a powerful effect at a local level and provides a fun and interactive learning experience.”
FoodFaith and The Lane Cove Council have previously worked together in the local community creating the Planting Seeds Garden. In early 2016, the garden was established in Hughes Park Lane Cove as part of a community charity day. There are monthly working bees, community watering rosters and free events to promote ‘Rediscovering Our Roots’ through the garden. Anyone is welcome to join so please take a look at the FoodFaith website for more information or be sure to sign up here to one of 3, 2-hour sessions on July 7th and be part of building something for the youth of the Lane Cove community.
Save The Date Copy: Build A Greenwall – July 7th, 9am – 3pm.
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