Four Lane Cove residents have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day’s honours list.
On Friday, 1127 people were made companions, officers or members of the Order of Australia, or received the medal of the Order of Australia, in honour of their achievements. Women account for 37.5% of those honoured – a record in the honours list nationwide.
Here is the list of local recipients:
Emeritus Professor Gareth EVANS Professor Evans was made a member (AM) in the general division of the order of Australia for his significant service to science, and to education, in the field of animal reproductive biology.
School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney: Emeritus Professor, since 2008. Professor, 2002-2008. Associate Dean for Research, 2004-2008.
Sub-Dean for Extramural Placements, 2001-2003.
Lecturer – Associate Professor, Animal Reproduction, Department of Animal Science, 1983- 2002. Member, Faculty of Agriculture Management Advisory Committee, 1997-2001. Director, Animal Reproduction Unit, Cobbitty, 1999-2004. Member, Appointments Committees, 1995-2003.
International Congress on Animal Reproduction: Secretary General, 1996-2016.
Member, Executive Committee, 1992-2016. Founding Member, Australasian Pig Science Association, 1987. Honorary Member, Association for Applied Animal Andrology, since 2014. Honorary Research Associate, Taronga Conservation Society Australia (also known as Zoological Parks Board of NSW), since 1992.
Society for Reproductive Biology: Secretary, 1986-1988. Member, Executive Committee, 1984-1988. Other: Wine and Food Society NSW: Member, since 1997. Member, Executive Committee, 1998-2005. Chair, Research and Education sub-committee, 1999-2005.
Vice President, 2001-2002.
Member, Indigenous Education Advisory Board, The Scots College, 2012-2015.
In addition to the above Professor Evans is was a juniors coach at the, Lane Cove Football Club, 2006-2011
Mrs Ada BELCHER Mrs Belcher was awarded a Medal (OAM) of the order of Australia in the General Division for service to the community through social welfare organisations. Mrs Belcher has been the Manager at the Society of St Vincent de Paul Crows Nest Centre, since 1968
Mrs Bridget Mary LEE Mrs Lee was awarded a Medal (OAM) of the order of Australia in the General Division for service to the Irish community of New South Wales.
Campaigner and Chair, Endowment Committee, Chair of Irish Studies, University of New South Wales, current.
Campaigner for the establishment of the Chair of Celtic Studies, University of Sydney. Aisling Society (Australian Irish Cultural and Historical Association)
Vice-President, since 2004. • President, 2001-2003, 1986-1987.
Member, over 50 years. The Lansdowne Club (Australia Ireland business network)
Member, over 30 years. • Chairman’s Award, ‘for her exceptional contribution to the Australia Ireland business relationship’, 2010.
Individual Achievement Award, 2001. Ireland Funds Australia • Member, Ireland Funds Australia, since 1987.
Former Governor. Life Governor, current. Other
Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Eblana Travel, over 40 years.
Commissioner, New South Wales Ethnic Affairs Commission, 9 years.
Irish Australian of the Year, 1987
Dr Jaswinder Singh SAMRA Dr Samar was awarded a Medal (OAM) of the order of Australia in the General Division for service to medicine as a pancreatic specialist.
Pancreaticobiliary Surgeon, current.
Clinical Associate Professor, Macquarie University Hospital, since 2011.
Visiting Medical Officer, Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, since 2003.
Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of Sydney, 2015-2017.
Co-Author, over 160 research publications. Professional Associations
Co-Founder, Australian Pancreatic Centre.
Member, Australian Pancreatic Genome Initiative, current
Member, Australia and New Zealand Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association, current.
Well done to the recipients.
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