Another mini crime wave is sweeping the Lane Cove Council Area. We have had reports of break ins, attempted break ins, car thefts and car break ins in the following areas in the last couple of days:
Lucretia Avenue Longueville
Mary Street Longueville
Red Fiat DHE 91V Longueville (if you have noticed this car please contact police)
Dunois Street Longueville
Kenneth Street Longueville
William Edward Street Longueville
Longueville Road Lane Cove
Kimberley Avenue Lane Cove
Lane Cove West (street name not provided)
Lock Your Car
One person on ITC Lane Cove Chat noted:
“It’s because people keep leaving their cars unlocked and doors and windows to the house unlocked or open. It’s too easy for them because everyone says, nothing happens around here…! They will only stop when they find it to difficult and they find another location that is easier and less risk!”
Report Crime
It is important for Lane Cove Residents to report all incidents to police. By reporting incidents this helps police monitor patterns and trends. Read more here as to how you can quickly report a police matter.
Do you have a local issue you would like help with? ITC is here to help just email us at [email protected]
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