Whether you’re looking for a last-minute present, catering for a special meal or treating the family to a delicious takeaway, it’s never been easier to Shop Lane Cove with the launch of the new local website www.shoplanecove.com.au in time for Mother’s Day.
Designed in response to social distancing measures, the site highlights what’s on offer for home delivery, online shopping, video services and local pick-up. Almost 100 local businesses are already listed with more expected to come on board to help connect customers with businesses still operating during the Covid-19 pandemic.
To view what’s on offer, visit www.shoplanecove.com.au and choose your delivery method – if a business is open they’ll be listed as ‘Local Pick Up’. You can also browse by type of business, search the business listings and use the map to locate the closest business to you.
Can’t decide what to buy? Why not consider a Lane Cove Gift Card, accepted at 70 local businesses which are also listed on the website homepage.
Are you a local business that would like to list on Shop Lane Cove for free? Simply click on the ‘listing’ section in the website menu and set your information up – it takes less than five minutes. You’ll then have your own login to return to the website and update your service and product offerings as often as you like.
The Shop Lane Cove website is a Lane Cove Council initiative which aims to support local businesses through these challenging times. The website platform will continue to be promoted after the social distancing measures have been lifted as part of Council’s Love Where You Shop campaign.
To show your support, visit www.shoplanecove.com.au and discover a range of local businesses who are ready to continue to serve the Lane Cove community and beyond.
This post was sponsored by Lane Cove Council as part of their Love Where You Shop Lane Cove. Lane Cove Council encourages the community to shop locally as part of its ongoing Love Where You Shop Lane Cove campaign. This includes a range of exciting annual events, supporting materials and opportunities for local businesses to come together to promote their business to local residents.