The Canopy car park is now fully operational, with 500 underground parking spaces available. Lane Cove Council owns the Car Park.
How Do I Access the Car Park?
You access the car park via the roundabout at the intersection of Finlayson Street and Rosenthal Avenue.
Ticketless Parking System
The Canopy Car Park uses a ticketless parking system. The ticketless system relies on number plate recognition.
What is the free time period before I have to pay?
P1 Purple Level – Express Parking
One hour free and then parking fees apply.
Only park on this level if you are sure you will be leaving within the hour. There are cameras on the next levels, so you cannot park for one hour in P1 and then park for another three hours in P2 – P4. The maximum time before charges apply is 3 hours.
P2 – P4 Levels – 3 Hour parking
Three hours free and then parking fees apply.
What if I Access the Car Park More Than Once A Day?
The time limits apply per entry. The only exception is if you enter the car park within an hour of leaving the car park, time will accumulate.
Early Bird Parking
Lane Cove Council are trialling the extension of Early Bird Parking at The Canopy to include Saturdays and Sundays following requests from the local business community.
Early Bird parking will now be available 7 days a week on P4 with entry before 9:30am and exit after 4:00pm for only $7.50.
The decision was made to help provide more parking options for workers after businesses indicated this would help staff who are working weekend shifts. After reviewing the operation of the car park, the parking management system shows that there is sufficient capacity to accommodate the extension of Early Bird Parking to include weekends, the peak time for the car park. This will be reviewed after six months of operation.
Free Parking after 6 pm
If you drive into the car park after 6 pm, parking is free. However, if you enter at 5.55 pm (or any other time close to 6 pm) and stay for more than three hours, you will be charged for parking.
What are the Parking Rates?
1st hour after free period $7.00
2nd hour after free period $17.00
3rd hour after free period $24.00
+4 hours after free period $45.00
How do I pay if I exceed 1 or 3 hours?
You pay at the pay station located near the escalators. You can also pay via the forgot to pay lane at the car park exit. If you think you may have exceeded the 1 hour or 3-hour free time limits, always use the forgot to pay lane and check.
If you have parked longer than the free time limit and leave the car park without paying you will be fined. At the moment the Lane Cove Council is issuing warnings for first offences. If you forget to pay, you have a three-day grace period to pay for parking at
You can also download the Ybern Park App for iPhone or Android.
Is Their Senior Parking and Parking for People with Disabilities?
Yes on all levels.
When is the Car Park Open?
The Canopy car park is open from 6:00 am – 1:00 am, seven days a week. One ITC follower reported that the lifts near the supermarkets were not operational at 11.45 pm. These lifts are primarily to service the shopping levels, so, likely, they do not work after the shops close. When Coles opens, they will be open to midnight each night, so the lifts will have to be operational at that time. The elevators at the other end of the car park do not appear to have time limits.
Business Parking Permits
A yearly Business Parking Permit scheme is available for 50 Business parkers. Businesses are allowed to park on P4.
The cost is $1,800 per annum, per permit. The scheme allows for up to 50 business parkers.
To be eligible for a Business Parking Permit, the Applicant must operate a business permanently located in the Lane Cove town centre or is a staff member of that business. To see if you are eligible check the Business Parking Centre map.
Find out more about the Conditions of the Business Parking Permit Scheme.
Businesses can apply for a permit online.
The Canopy Car Park has an end of use facility and bike parking racks on P1.
Electric Cars
Six electric vehicle charging stations are available on P3.
Motorcycle Parking
Motorcycle parking is also available.
Shopping Trolleys
Shopping Trolleys have a mechanism which means they are disabled if they leave The Canopy area. A permanent trolley is not situated at each trolley rack, so if you want to get your money back, you need to take it back to the ALDI store.
Spills and Cleaning
If you see an area that needs cleaning, contact the number below.
Leaving the Car Park to Shop
Did you know that Birdwood Lane is a shared zone? Find out what a shared zone is here.
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I’m appalled by the council ignoring and breaching the guidelines for disabled parking. On entry level, there are just TWO disabled spots – one at each end! And the one closest to the shops entry is actually so dangerously close to a big metal rail (not sure what purpose it serves there)! Disabled spots are supposed to have a certain space around them for opening of doors. But with this car park, our council has shown zero consideration for the needs and safety of people with disabilities! Disgusting.
To get into the spot and not damage your car on the metal rail next to it took slow and careful manoeuvring… it SHOULDN’T! Please, ask the council to inspect the parking space and invite them to try and actually use it.