Welcome to a wet Sunday. This week it threatened to bucket down on Lane Cove, but we seemed to miss the big thunderstorm, but the pictures taken by our roving reporters were spectacular.
New E-Waste Recycling Bin Installed in The Canopy
Lane Cove Council has now installed an E-waste recycling bin for e-waste, small appliances and cd/DVDs in the shopping level of The Canopy (located between Coles and ALDI). The Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group will monitor the bin. (see our cover photo)
The LCSAG’s share bag bins have now been put back in The Canopy, Lane Cove Market Square and other shopping locations in Lane Cove.
If you want to know more about recycling in Lane Cove, see our A to Z list of recycling in Lane Cove here.
Lane Cove Council Meeting 15 March 2021
The Lane Cove Council will hold its March meeting on 15 March 2021.
The most controversial items on the agenda is the Bob Campbell Oval recession motion by three councillors. They seek to overturn the decision made in November 2020 to upgrade the oval by installing a synthetic oval.
The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that the Minister for Planning the Hon Rob Stokes, has requested his department investigate sustainable alternatives to synthetic grass amid growing concerns about its environmental and health impacts. Further details here.
Other items on the agenda are:
Officer Reports for Determination
Have Your Say
If you would like to submit any agenda items or any council issue, you can address the Lane Cove Councillors before the Meeting to held on Monday, 15 March 2021.
To comply with the NSW Government’s directives and in the interests of public health, the meeting will be conducted online. Members of the public will not be permitted to attend the Council Chambers. Councillors are also not permitted to attend in person and participate in the meeting via video conference.
Council is currently trialling the use of video conferencing for the Public Forum by using the online meeting platform, Zoom. A link to the video conference, including all Councillors attending the online Council meeting, will be made available by email for community members to participate.
All speakers wishing to participate in the public forum must register by using the online form no later than midnight, 14 March 2021. A Zoom meeting link will be emailed to the provided email address.
The time limit of three minutes per address still applies so; please make sure your submission meets this criterion. Alternatively, members of the public can still submit their written address via email to [email protected].
Lane Cove Council Seeking Comments on Dog-Friendly Strategy
Lane Cove Council is keen to hear about your experiences and preferences when it comes to dogs in Lane Cove so that we can develop a Dog-Friendly Strategy.
You are invited to participate in an online survey that will help guide the drafting of this strategy. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is open to dog owners, non-dog owners and dog-owners-to-be.
The results of the survey will help the Council to prepare the Dog-Friendly Lane Cove Strategy to help address the needs of the community.
New Business Alerts
New Vietnamese Restaurant
A Vietnamese restaurant will be going into the old snowberry shop (the shop opposite Mcgraths Lane Cove).
Shell Burns Bay Petrol Station
You may have seen a sign at the Coles Burns Bay Road Petrol Station saying they are closing down. There has been speculation that the site could be redeveloped for apartments. The site will continue as a petrol station run by the OTR group. The OTR group provided ITC with this statement:
“We have acquired the freehold for the Shell site at Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove. Whilst Coles is exiting as an operator; the site will continue trading as a Shell-branded petrol station.”
I Love Pizza
I Love Pizza is opening on Monday 15th March, and they have an opening special for the day- $10 medium pizzas.
I Love Pizza‘s newest location is on Longueville Road in Lane Cove (in the old Running Bare Shop). We hear there will be a few VIP’s attending, and ITC will be coming along to do a live video… so head over on Monday night, and you could be famous!
Have a browse of the menu now to plan your order 😁- https://i-love-pizza.com.au/menu/. There are some pretty interesting pizzas… Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Catupiry, Churrasco… just to name a few.
Vegans, Glutenfrees…. they have you covered too!
School Holiday Activities
Our School Holiday Activities guide is packed with interesting and fun things to do, including rock band camp, virtual reality, art workshops, dance workshops and sport, sport and more sport. Find out more here.
The Propagating Gardeners Sale Has Started
Do you run a local business? Are you looking for staff? Contact ITC as we advertise all Local Jobs for FREE – we are passionate about connecting locals with local businesses – How can we help your local business?
Jack & Co. is looking for a casual all-rounder – details here.
The Source Bulk Foods is looking for a retail assistant – details here.
Cozy Cove is looking for casual floor staff – details here.
Lane Cove FC are looking for coaches – details here.
Crime Reports
On March 12th, an ITC roving reporter advised the following:
“Last night on Mowbray Road West, adjacent-ish Mowbray eatery, my car was attempted to be stolen. They tried to steal the car twice – 1 am and 2 am, of which the alarm went off both times and presumably deterred them.
Police informed & car dusted for fingerprints.

Tier 1 Plumbing
Have you met Ryan from Tier 1 Plumbing?
Tier 1 Plumbing is a local business that provides a complete range of high quality, affordable and reliable general plumbing, gasfitting and drainage services to both residential and commercial properties throughout Sydney.
With over 10 year’s experience in both residential and commercial plumbing, Ryan Spooner established Tier 1 Plumbing in 2016 with the aim to deliver the highest level of workmanship and customer satisfaction, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For all your plumbing needs, big or small, and for any plumbing emergency, call Ryan today 0450 223 156.
We thank Tier 1 Plumbing for sponsoring In the Cove as a Business Supporter Elite!!!!
Help In the Cove Grow
In the Cove wants to employ local people, we want to bring even more news to you, and we need your help. Become an In The Cove member, and we have a little gift for you (our very own reusable masks sourced from a Lane Cove business). To find out how to help here and how to get your reusable mask, hurry as stocks are limited.
Local News At Your Fingertips
In the Cove is run by locals. It is the only online hyperlocal news and media business based in Lane Cove. We provide local free news – we do not have a paywall and will never have a paywall.
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Lane Cove Chat by ITC – Chat with other Lane Cove locals about local issues, lost pets, local info and more on our closed Lane Cove Facebook group. We closely monitor membership to make sure (as much as possible) that members either live or work in Lane Cove.
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Read Our latest news blast here.
Instagram – Follow our adventures around Lane Cove as we snap our lovely leafy Lane Cove.