Locals Disappointed with TNL Victor Kline’s Campaign Truck Encroaching on a Disability Parking Spot

Yesterday (Saturday 5th March 2022), a sizeable commercial logistics truck authorised by TNL’s Candidate for North Sydney Victor Kline parked on Longueville Road. Locals told ITC that the vehicle was parked from at least 7.00 am to 1.00 pm.

ITC was contacted by several locals concerned that the truck’s rear end was encroaching on the mobility parking space located directly behind the truck.

An ITC reader told us they spoke to the truck’s driver and asked him to move the truck. The driver initially declined to move the truck. The truck was moved forward later in the morning but still occupied at least two or three 30 minutes car parking spaces.

ITC asked local Toby Dawson (a mobility parking permit holder) why it is essential to have room around a vehicle parked in a mobility parking spot. Toby said:

“For those who are in wheelchairs, it’s incredibly important to have access to larger than normal parking spaces so that our wheelchairs can fit beside our car without the risk of getting hit by passing traffic or getting blocked in. There needs to be a metre all around the car, so we can access all doors to the car, including the boot.”

Picture of Truck taken at 7.00 am



Picture of Truck Taken at 8.45 am

Picture Taken at 10.05 am


Note:  The pictures above were sent to ITC by three different roving reporters.

The truck was eventually moved but was still occupying two to three parking spots. Parking on Longueville Road is limited to 30 minutes (during non-peak periods). An ITC reader said they approached a ranger who said they were aware of the issue but could not take any action other than to issue a fine.

Mr Kline may not be aware of Lane Cove’s obsession with street parking.

Lane Cove’s Locals Reaction to this Incident

Pictures of the vehicle were posted on ITC Lane Cove Chat, and residents were quick to voice their disapproval.

Comments were made such as “disgusting”, “appalling”, and “this makes my blood boil”.

“This truck is doing the rounds was sitting up near the canopy the other day taking up parking people could be using shame on these people we don’t want to see this stuff bashed down our throats for political gains.” Reece – Lane Cove Chat by ITC

“What a way to win votes…. Appalling!” Hillary – Lane Cove Chat by ITC

Another resident pointed out that using a large truck in your political campaign did not sit comfortably with a candidate who was campaigning about net-zero emissions by 2030 (see below one of Victor Kline’s tweets).

“It’s just not very clever. I saw it this morning, and my thought was – for a guy who’s campaigning on doing the right thing by the environment, a big diesel truck isn’t the best look, and, you want to get locals on side, don’t take up multiple parking spots where it’s hard to grab one already.
Rookie error.” Simon Lane Cove Chat by ITC



The thread on Lane Cove Chat by ITC (if you are a member of the group, you can read by clicking here) also noted that another candidate, Kylea Tink’s van, was parked on Rosenthal Avenue near The Canopy a few weeks ago. A volunteer from her campaign noted the comments and said they would notify the team immediately.

“Kylea Tink’s van did the same thing a couple of weeks ago near the Canopy. No respect.”

One resident also pointed out that Victor Kline was handing out balloons in the Lane Cove Plaza. The Lane Cove Council’s hiring agreement for the use of the plaza states explicitly that balloons are not permitted in the plaza (see below). This prohibition is in line with Lane Cove Council’s policy on eliminating single-use plastic.



Truck Owner’s Reaction to the Incident


Later on in the day, when a Lane Cove resident tweeted about the incident, the truck owner claimed the photos had been taken while he was parking the truck (note no person in cabin).


The same person who drew the campaign’s attention to the incident on Twitter also raised the issue of handing our ballons.  The driver’s last tweet stated:

It is not evident from the Twitter exchange if the apology is about the parking incident or handing out balloons or both.

Twitter Apology from Owner/Driver of the Vehicle


Parking at Ampol Service Station

After the vehicle left Lane Cove Village, it was parked at the Ampol Service Station on the corner of Burns Bay Road and Penrose Street.

The vehicle was there from at least 2.00 pm to at least 6.00 pm. The sign on the vehicle stated the vehicle had broken down and would be fixed by a mechanic or towed as soon as possible.

ITC spoke to the service station attendant, who told us that he had not seen a mechanic attend to the vehicle. The attendant told ITC that the truck owner did not advise him that the truck needed repair. The vehicle’s owner called around 6.00 pm and announced that the truck would be removed within the hour.



Victor Kline’s Response

ITC called Victor Kline, who told us at 1.20 pm that the vehicle had been moved from Longueville Road. When ITC asked him if he thought it was appropriate for a truck to encroach on a mobility parking spot, he said he had made all the comments he would make on that topic.

ITC also asked him if he was aware of the ban on handing out balloons in the plaza. He said he gave a councillor an undertaking to stop handing them out.

Does Parking a Large Vehicle Displaying Advertising Breach Road Safety Rules?

In 2018 new laws were introduced to improve road safety to avoid drivers from getting distracted on NSW Roads. These laws were introduced to prevent roadside trailer advertising.

The NSW Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines includes the following statement:

“Clause 27A of SEPP 64 prohibits any advertisement on trailers parked on a road, or road-related area (as defined in the Road Transport Act 2013) and requires development consent for the display of signage on a trailer where displayed on private land that is visible from a road or road-related area.

The penalty does not apply to parked trailers if:

• the advertisement is ancillary to the dominant purpose of the trailer, for example, a trailer used for a gardening or delivery service

• the trailer is erected by RMS for road safety or traffic management purposes.”

Mr Kline’s campaign truck is not a trailer, and therefore the truck is not in breach of SEPP64. However, the very reason why SEPP64 was introduced was to stop drivers from being distracted by large signs visible from the road.

There should be a review of political outdoor campaign materials and advertising on trailer and trucks.  At a time when we are looking at ways to address climate change, displaying numerous corflutes for one candidate outside the voting booths is concerning – see this picture taken at one polling booth during the last council election.