Lane Cove Creative – Ros Gervay Artist and Art Teacher/Mentor

ITC  loves to feature Lane Cove creatives. This time we are showcasing the talents of local artist Ros Gervay.

You may have seen the artwork for the 2022 Lane Cove Festival.  The street banners and Lane Cove Festival programme features Ros’s artwork.

We asked Ros a few questions.

How Long Have You Been Painting?

Painting has formed 95% of my motherhood survival strategy.

I was born a creative soul, as so many of us were, and have had many artistic and creative adventures, from handcrafted jewellery and sewing handbags to sculpting vases and painting large drippy acrylic canvases.

My mother studied Fine Arts when I was a young child, so I was exposed to what it meant to be an artist from a very young age. I remember being surrounded by the smell of oil paints, huge bold works in progress and hanging out with her and her fellow artists at the shared studio.

After the whirlwind and distraction that is life, it has only been since having my two girls that I have dived deeply and wholeheartedly into professional painting as a career. I love it so much, and it is so wonderful to see my girls sharing my interest in the Visual Arts.

What Inspires You?

Mother Nature and the idea of connection are my main sources of inspiration. I love to capture beauty and gratitude in my modern botanical and floral art., either in my more delicate watercolour pieces or my bolder abstract acrylic artworks.

Modern botanical and floral art has most definitely stolen my heart.

I currently paint primarily with both watercolours and acrylic on canvas, and, so far, this suits me to a tee as on any one day, I can work in the medium of my choice based on my mood. love working big and getting messy. I also have a habit of painting with one hand behind my back. Don’t ask me why!

Being able to explore these themes and express my love of nature and inject this into my collectors’ homes is a blessing. I truly see my life as a dream life and am incredibly grateful to the universe for allowing me this possibility.

How Did You Get Involved with Lane Cove Council?

In early 2022, after seeing the beautiful murals going up in the Canopy area, I applied on the Lane Cove Council website to participate in the local art program covering items such as library boxes and ping pong tables.

Not long after, the events person from the council contacted Ros and asked to apply specifically for the project of having her art in the Lane Cove Festival brochure etc. My application was successful!

Working with the council was an absolute dream. The contact person there at the time Bianca Couchman was an amazing advocate for the arts and guided Ros through the entire process. After having produced the artwork for the brochure, an invitation was extended to paint a piano for the event. This will be revealed to the public at the beginning of the Lane Cove Festival, and the intention is for the piano to remain in a public space for the people of Lane Cove to play and enjoy.

For other creatives who may be reading this article, think about adding your name to the Lane Cove Artist database as you never know what will eventuate.

How Can People Buy your Paintings?

At the moment, my paintings are exclusively available either via my website or Art To Art Gallery in Melbourne. Buyers can also reach out to me via my Instagram page  to enquire about custom artwork for their homes.

I am currently putting together a brand new body of work for an exhibition at The Corner Gallery in Stanmore in early 2023.

If you would like to stay in the loop, please add your details here

My love of art, however, is not something that I can keep all to myself. As part of my art business, I actively spread the joy of artmaking and open the door for others to access all of the hidden wellbeing benefits.

I run Art For The Heart – an online membership for creative women who want to grow together and make art regularly. have developed my Permission To Paint guided online experience – a course for those wanting to discover watercolour painting for themselves or to refresh their knowledge base, if they are coming back to art after a bit of a break.  You can sign up for the waiting list for the next course here.  Join the free community here to get a taster.

I also run The Mini Artiste Club Art With Ros, a small-group school holiday art program for children aged 5-12 creativity-infused online art education program for children that focuses on allowing children to express themselves, ignite their creativity and build their confidence. and express their individuality, build their confidence, and fine motor skills and academic achievement. Learn more here.

The program can come with or without associated art supplies to make life easier for the adults in charge!   Find out more about The Mini Artiste Club – Ros Gervay Creative here.

How long have you lived in Lane Cove?

My family and I have lived in Lane Cove West for the last 4 years or so after moving from Lindfield East and McMahons Point before that. I have some family history here in Lane Cove, with my gorgeous aunt growing up in the area. My eldest now attends a local school, and we are a proud Birrahlee family too. We adore Lane Cove.

Where Do You Buy Your Coffee in Lane Cove?

I might be biased, but most definitely La Provence! The coffee there is perfect and always hot… none of that lukewarm coffee business going on there! Oh, and their salted caramel cookies are amazing!

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Learn Art with Ros Contact Details


Instagram: @ros.gervay.creative
Facebook: @ros.gervay.creative

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