In the Cove receives many queries about how to report a local issue.
To assist you with reporting vandalism, potholes, street lighting, graffiti or reporting issues with rubbish collection or neighbourhood noise, we have put together a comprehensive list.
Lane Cove Council
Most local issues will need to be reported to the Lane Cove Council.
Rubbish Collections
If you have any issues with rubbish collection, contact Lane Cove Council’s Waste Solutions Hotline on 1300 655 006. It is advisable to report a missed collection after 3 pm on the day of the scheduled collection (sometimes vehicles break down or there are delays). Bins will not be collected if the lid is not closed.
You can find out more about reporting missed rubbish collections or information on waste and recycling here.
Your waste collection days can be found here.
Illegal Rubbish Dumping
If you see any rubbish which has been illegally dumped, you can report it to the council by calling 9911 3555 or by filling out this online form.
Overgrown Vegetation and Mowing on Council Land
Report it to the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this online form.
Footpath Issues
If you see the following
- Damaged kerb and gutter
- Damaged footpaths
- Unsafe footpaths/hazards
Report it to the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this online form.
Blocked or Broken Drains on Public Land
If the drain is dangerous, immediately ring Council on 9911 3555. You can also report in online here. Sydney Water maintains all roads. If the issue is with a square hydrant (marked with a ‘H’) or on a main road (i.e. Epping Road) please visit: Sydney Water’s website.
Abandoned Vehicles and Illegal Parking
A vehicle is considered to be abandoned if it is located on a public street and it’s not registered. If the vehicle is registered council will only take action if the vehicle is parked in a dangerous spot. You can report abandoned vehicles to the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this form.
In November 2022, the State Government introduced the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.
The new rules apply to shopping trolleys, boat trailers, unregistered cars, trailers, caravans, share bikes and personal watercraft.
Boat Trailer Parking
You can report abandoned vehicles to the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this form.
In November 2022, the State Government introduced the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.
The new rules apply to shopping trolleys, boat trailers, unregistered cars, trailers, caravans, share bikes and personal watercraft.
Trees on Public Land
If you see a dangerous branch or tree not on private property, you can report it to the council. Lane Cove Council has a very conservative approach to trees and has developed Tree Preservation Regulatory Controls, which aim to retain as many healthy trees as possible. Report a public tree issue online here.
The general rule of thumb is that if the street tree is on public property and its branches overhang powerlines or the tree is located within 3 metres of power lines then Ausgrid is responsible for determining if it requires trimming or removal. Only Ausgrid’s authorised contractors are allowed to remove trees or branches near live wires and will be required to respond in the first instance, before Council. To report street tree maintenance near power lines, you can complete the reporting form on Ausgrid’s website
In the case of an emergency involving power lines, do not fill out the online form – instead, contact Ausgrid immediately on 13 13 88.
Trees on Private Land
The trees in Lane Cove are protected under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021, (Biodiversity SEPP). This policy allows Council to regulate the tree canopy through the Lane Cove Council Development Control Plan 2010. Failure to comply can incur fines or prosecution of up to $1,100,000.
You require Council consent to prune or remove a tree:
- Greater than 4m in height and/or
- A trunk diameter more than 150mm measured 1m above existing ground level.
Customers can submit an online Private Tree Inspection Application, including payment of the inspection fee.
If a tree is lying over a road or in a very dangerous position, contact the SES (see storm damage below).
Graffiti on Private Land
Lane Cove Council will not assist in removing Graffiti from your property. However, if you report this Graffiti to Vandaltrak, they will monitor tags etc and liaise with authorities. You can contact them here
Graffiti on Public Land
However, if the Graffiti is on Council property, they will respond. There is a special Village Graffiti Reduction Program in place which aims to maintain the main village precincts ambience by ensuring graffiti is removed promptly, reducing adverse economic impact on Lane Cove businesses. Graffiti is removed at no cost to the business; however, the graffiti must be able to be accessed from a public place (accessible from the street etc.).
Report graffiti and request removal here.
If the graffiti is on Council property, please call the Council Graffiti hotline on 9911 3606.
For removal of Graffiti in other public areas, please contact the relevant agency: –
- Ooh Media Bus Shelter – 1800 501 402.
- Australia Post, Property Management –131 318
- Sydney Water, Property Management – 9350 5111
- Energy Australia – 1300 306 541 or 9269 4747
- State Transit Authority, Ryde Depot – 9941 6814
- Telstra – 4645 4966
- CityRail – 8202 2000
Lane Cove Council Parks
If play equipment is damaged or there is an issue with a local park or you see rubbish which has been illegally dumped you can report it to the council by calling 9911 3555 or by filling out this online form.
Out of Hours Building Works
It can be extremely noisy when building work is carried on out of hours. The permitted hours are below:
Houses and Commercial
All demolition, building construction work, including earthworks, and deliveries of building materials to and from the site are to be restricted to the following hours:
- Monday to Friday (inclusive) – 7.00 am to 5.30 pm
- Saturday – 7.00 am to 4.00 pm
No work is to be carried out on Sundays or any public holidays.
Multi-Unit Developments
For all multi-unit developments in the Lane Cove area, Council has imposed additional restrictions:
All demolition, building construction work, including earthworks, and deliveries of building materials to and from the site are to be restricted as follows:-
- Monday to Friday (inclusive) – 7 am to 5.30 pm
- Saturday – 8 am to 12 noon with no excavation, haulage truck movement, rock picking, sawing, jack hammering or pile driving to be undertaken.
No work is to be carried out on Sundays or any public holidays.
Any building work carried out, outside these hours can be reported by calling 9911 3555.
Most roads within the Lane Cove area are Lane Cove Council’s responsibility. You should report any potholes, road signs, oil spills, damaged roads, unsafe footpaths and nature strips. You can report an issue to the the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this online form.
Transport for NSW maintains some roads in the Lane Cove Local Government Area as listed below. Please visit the Transport for NSW website to report any issues related to the roads listed below
- Epping Rd
- Longueville Rd between Pacific Hwy and Epping Rd
- Pacific Hwy
- Centennial Ave between Epping Road and Burns Bay Rd
- Burns Bay Rd between Centennial Avenue and Figtree Bridge
For any water leaks from hydrants or coming through the road, please report to Sydney Water
Air Pollution
Air pollution can include issues with wood fire heaters and backyard burning. The EPA covers most other air pollution issues. You can find out how to report an issue with the EPA here.
Odours from a small business, restaurant, food outlet, residential premises or fumes from spray painting should be reported to the Lane Cove Council. You can report an issue to the council by calling 9911 3555 or filling out this online form.
All other odours should be reported to the EPA here
Unsafe Food Premises
Any business which sells food of any kind, prepares food for sale or includes food as part of a package (such as accommodation providers) is considered to be a Food Business. Contact Lane Cove Council’s Environmental Health Officer on 9911 3626 if you witness any unsafe food practices or notice dirty premises.
General Issues
Use this link to contact Lane Cove Council General – Request for services for general requests such as Lane Cove Council Facilities and Repairs, Incidents, and issues at The Canopy.
Dog and Cat Registration
To register dogs and cats or change registration details, find out more info here.
Aggressive or Attacking Dogs
To find out how what to do if you are worried about an aggressive dog.
Lost or Found Dogs
There are steps you can take to assist in locating a lost dog or cat – find out more here.
If your pet is lost, you should contact all the local vets and also post a lost and found notice on In the Cove.
Barking Dogs
All local councils have statutory powers to deal with barking dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1998, a council officer can issue a nuisance order to the owner declaring the dog a nuisance if it barks or makes another noise that keeps occurring or continues to such a degree that it unreasonably disturbs neighbours.
For example, if you complain about a noisy dog, the council officer can investigate to substantiate your complaint. This may include collecting evidence such as written statements from neighbours, asking you to keep a diary of when the noise occurs, and visiting the property where the dog is kept (check with your council about what evidence is required).
If the complaint is substantiated, the officer can issue a nuisance order. Before doing so, the owner of the dog must be given prior notice of the officer’s intention to issue a nuisance order. The notice must specify what aspects of the dog’s behaviour need to change to prevent the disturbance from continuing. It must also inform the owner of their right to object to the proposed order, and that the objection must be in writing and submitted within seven days of the notice being issued. If an objection is received, the officer must then consider whether it is appropriate to issue the order. Once an order is issued, it remains in force for six months and cannot be appealed against.
To report a barking dog, call 9911 3555 or click here for more information.
If you come across a swooping Magpie, it is a good idea to notify others in the area. Find out how you can do this here.
Indian Myna Birds
These birds are territorial and highly aggressive who compete with and displace native wildlife for habitat areas. They take over tree hollows and plug up nest sites they are not using, forcing possums and birds out and ejecting nestlings and eggs from their nests. They also compete with native fauna for food and habitat.
Specialised pest control services can be used to help control and eradicate pests such as Indian Mynas. Controls can include baiting, trapping and bird scare techniques as well as built or engineered solutions to prevent access to a building.
For any further information or enquiries please contact Council’s Environmental Health Officer on 99113626 or email [email protected].
Feral Animals
From time to time you may see a feral animal in Lane Cove, the most common feral animal spotted in Lane Cove are foxes. If you see a fox:
- Contact Lane Cove Council on 9911 3555;
- You can record fox sightings on Foxscan. FoxScan is a community website that allows you to record and map sightings of foxes, fox damage in your local area; or
- Download the FeralScan app on either iTunes or Android and record sightings of foxes or other feral animals in Lane Cove.
You can find out more here
Other Government Authorities
If you have an issue that is not the responsibility of Lane Cove Council, you can report them as per below (let us know if we have missed an issue).
Bus Shelters
Report dirty, damaged or maintenance issues to do with bus shelters directly to Ooh Media. Phone the hotline: 1800 501 402
Most local littering issues should be reported to the Lane Cove Council. However, littering from a car should be reported to the EPA.
If you see someone littering from their vehicle, you can report them to the EPA. Fines from $250 for an individual and $500 for a corporation can be issued from your report.
To report littering from a vehicle you need to
- have actually seen the litter being thrown, or blown, from the vehicle
- provide the vehicle registration details and the location where the littering took place
- report the incident within 14 days
You can report the issue here.
Storm Damage
For storm damage to trees, buildings and flooding, contact the State Emergency Services on 132 500 or visit the State Emergency Service website. If you would like to join the local SES who do a great job find out more here.
Burst Water Pipe
If you spot a broken water pipe call:
- Water Emergency 132 090
- Water Supply 132 092
If you see a broken Telstra pit lid, plate or cables on the footpath call 132 203.
Transport for NSW Roads
For damage, debris, signals, potholes contact the RMS:
- Hotline 131 700
- Roads and Maritime
Traffic Light Faults
Contact RMS Traffic Management Centre on 131 700.
Street Lighting
Ausgrid is responsible for all street lights, wire and poles. They can be contacted online via
- Report a faulty street-light.
- Request graffiti be removed from our assets.
- Request an inspection of a power pole.
- Request tree trimming around powerlines.
Or by phone:
- Electricity Emergency 131 388
- Residential supply 13 13 65
- Trees power lines 13 13 65
- Graffiti / vandalism to Ausgrid property 131 535
- Faulty street lights to Ausgridor call them on 1800 044 808.
Gas Supply and Pipes
If you smell gas in the street or on your property before or including the gas meter, you should call the Gas Leaks and Emergency services on 1800 GAS LEAK (1800 427 532) to locate and repair the leak. If, however, you believe the leak to be after the meter on a section of pipe work connecting your appliances, or on the appliance itself, you should contact a licensed gas fitter to rectify the problem. Remember, any person undertaking work involving gas must be appropriately licensed.
Abandoned Trolleys
Coles Abandoned Trolleys You can report an abandoned trolley:
- by calling 1800 TROLLEY(1800 876 553);
- downloading the free Trolley Collect App;
- report via the Snap Send Solve app or website; and
- or filling out the online form.
Woolworths Abandoned Trolleys
Phone: 1800-641-497
Online form:
Harris Farm
To report an abandoned trolley, email [email protected] with the trolley’s location.
Easy Reporting Mechanism
An easy way to report most of the above issues is Snap Send Solve – This app is designed to help you quickly and easily report issues to local government. Take a picture of the problem, upload it with the app, and send it to the relevant local council using GPS data.
Lane Cove Council does not pay for the SNAP SEND SOLVE app – you can lodge an issue with them for Lane Cove Council, but it is not dealt with immediately. Sydney Water does use SNAP SEND SOLVE.
Lane Cove Council’s reasons for not using SNAP SEND SOLVE are below:
- Snap Send Solve capture a request and send an email to council. This goes into the generic service email address, and has to be manually allocated to the right person at council. This takes extra time (more than 1 day usually). However, if the request is submitted via our website, it goes straight to our work flow and is allocated to the correct team right away.
- Our online forms are designed to ask for the information we need to respond/resolve the request. Snap Send Solve is generic, so it won’t necessarily come through with the right information, causing further delays as our staff need to seek more information
- Requests via our website are stored and tracked in our CRM, and automated comms are sent giving customers updates. It can also link the request to the customer’s details in the CRM. This is not the case for requests via Snap Send Solve
- We get a lot of requests from Snap Send Solve that are not for Council eg they might be for Telstra, Ausgrid or Sydney Water. Our online forms have alternative contact points. When these requests come through they then have to be manually forwarded to the right organisations, causing a delay for customers.
- Snap Send Solve requests are more difficult for the customer to track. Customers don’t receive a CRM reference number so it’s more difficult for the customer to follow up. With a CRM reference, Council officers can look up the request and see who is working on it, and what the current status is.
Have we missed anything – please let us know at [email protected]
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