If you’re looking for something to do with the family in November (or any weekend until April 2024), In The Cove suggests you take a trip to Eden Gardens and view the Eden Unearthed Exhibition.
What is Eden Unearthed?
Eden Unearthed spans over 2.5 acres, and visitors can fully immerse themselves in the beautiful gardens and be inspired by the artworks. Each artist has an interview linked to a QR code at their work, so you can hear in their own words about the installation. It’s a unique opportunity to learn directly from the artists themselves.
The exhibition is free, but you must register.
Featured artworks range from sculptural pieces, textile to tactical works, interactive sound and light installations, all capturing something exceptional and ephemeral about our environment.
This year Eden Unearthed 2023 examines Anthropocenic issues such as climate change, habitat and species loss, and ask questions about life on the brink of the Pyrocene: the age of fire. It also tells ancient stories of magic and enchantment, and fosters feelings of hope and contemplation.
Graham Forsyth, one of the three Eden Unearthed judges and Adjuct Professor UNSW Arts and Social Sciences said, “The works, often beautiful, sometimes whimsical, and always enchanting and stimulating, engage with Eden Gardens’ rich resources of spaces, nooks and ‘rooms’, using plinths made from trees, rocks, walls and water. The flow is both ways: the gardens and spaces allow the works of art to be enlivened and made rich with meaning, while the works support an idea of the garden as green, living, fluid and complex.”
This sprawling exhibition is free to all and runs for a six-month period with the first prize being awarded $10,000 at the launch event on October 31.
Curator Meredith Kirton reflected “Having curated this exhibition since its inception, I hope Eden Unearthed speaks to visitors and they enjoy the serendipity of art in the garden.
Located beside the Lane Cove National Park, Eden Gardens is a beautiful plant mecca and display garden for the whole family. A special Children’s Art Trail and interactive signage caters to all ages with workshops scheduled for the school holidays in January and again in April.
Locals, art and plant enthusiasts alike are invited to attend the launch on Tuesday 31 October presented by landscape architect Costa Georgiadis. A small ticket price of $35 will cover seasonal canapes and bubbles.
Last year’s winner of the Eden Unearthed $10,000 prize was Cloudspace, by Kristy Gordon.

Eden Gardens Contact Details
Address: 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park
Website: www.edengardens.com.au
Facebook: @edengardensclub
Instagram: @eden_macquariepark
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