Paulene Turner is the author behind a six-book Young Adult Time Travel series – The Time Travel Chronicles. Two Aussie teens (from Crows Nest) travel through history in a time machine, intending to tread lightly. But Time has other ideas.
Each book takes them to a different historical period (all researched at length).
Book One: Secrets of the Nile
Book Two: Revenge of the Black Night
Book Three: Shoot Out at Death Canyon
Book Four: Black Tides – Out July 2024
Book Five: Samurai Steal – Out September 2024
Book Six: Point of Origin – Out November 2024 – Takes place 15 years in the future, with a breathtaking finale being played at a high school graduation ball in Darling Harbour.
We asked Paulene to tell us a little bit about herself and her books
Tell Us A Bit About Your Background
I started journalism in my early 20s in a Blacktown local newspaper. Then, I went to the Sydney Morning Herald. I moved to London in my late 20s and worked in medical press and press offices. I’d always wanted to write a novel—as most journos do!—but there never seemed to be enough time. Until my twin daughters were in primary school, I had a bit more free time.
Tell Us About Your Books
I’ve trained in scriptwriting for film, so my books have a filmic feel.
They tend to be visual, and ‘in the moment’ with lots of dialogue.
In researching each period, I didn’t look for the important dates and people, but at the lifestyles of the people, what they ate, how they lived, and loved. I wanted my readers to experience the story in a tactile way — to feel the dust in their throats in the Ancient Egyptian tomb, the cool dampness of medieval castle rooms, and the salt stinging their lips in a storm on the wild seas.
I released the first 3 books this year. And I plan to release the final three to complete their epic story in July, September and November 2024!
Although it’s called Young Adult fiction, it’s not just for teens. I hope people over 18 don’t let the label put them off reading it! It’s really for anyone who enjoys fast-paced high-stakes adventure, romance and history.
How Long Did It Take You to Write the Books?
It took me over 10 years to write. When I began, I had the series in mind, but it seemed too epic to focus on. I started book 1 as a NaNoWriMo challenge (that’s Nation Novel Writing Month!) when writers all over the world try to get 50,000 words of a story done. I’d been researching Ancient Egypt, building my characters and circling around it. But on November 1, I leapt in.
It all started with Book One, Secrets of the Nile.
When 16yo Madison saves the vizier’s son from drowning in Ancient Egypt, she breaks Time Travel Rule No.1 – Don’t Mess With the Timeline. Now a 17yo boy who should be dead is alive. And the rest…is no longer history.
I spent 4 months finishing Secrets of the Nile. And finishing it was an enormous high! I couldn’t believe it. I’d written a book that I was actually very happy with.
I wondered, could I do it again…and began researching Medieval England. And so on. The last book in the series took five years to write—I was stuck with how to finish the series.
But when I did finally write those two glorious words THE END I realised I had enough material for two books. So it became a six book series.
Why Write About Time Travel?
Why do I write about time travel? It is, without doubt the most fascinating genre. It’s all about consequences. Even a small, seemingly insignificant act, can leap to epic changes to the timeline. As such, it’s the biggest mystery of all. Not so much a whodunnit, but what will happen if…?
Besides, in what other genre could you reverse time and erase parking fines? Or slay your enemy with that sizzling comeback you only thought of later!
Award Winning Writer
The Lane Cove Literary Awards 2023 winners were announced on Wednesday, 15 November.
The Lane Cove Literary Awards is a prestigious national writing competition organised by Lane Cove Council that recognises writing excellence and fosters Australian writing talent. Australian writers over 16 years of age are invited to submit unpublished works.
Paulene Turner won The Burns Bay Bookery Resident Prize: Shakespeare, Who Art Thou?
In 2018, Paulene won two Lane Cove Literary Awards for her script – Boyfriend 2.0

Where Can Buy Buy the Book?
I LOVE The Burns Bay Bookery! What a great treasure trove it is for readers!
You can find the first three books at The Burns Bay Bookery or Book One at The Constant Reader Crows Nest. Or in all major online bookstores.
Paulene Turners’s Contact Details
You can meet Paulene at the Roseville College Fair on 1 December 2023 from 2 pm to 6 pm and the Manly Markets on 3 December 2023!
Looks like a perfect book for Christmas for Young Adults (and not so Young Adults who love Time Travel (like Outlander/Crossstitch).