Jingle All the Way: A Lane Cove Physio’s Guide to Staying Injury Free this Festive Season

    ‘Tis the season to be jolly, but it’s also the season where a trip on the stairs in high heels or a twinge of the back when putting up Christmas lights can turn your holiday cheer into a painful jeer.

    In the Cove asked JBS Physio Lane Cove to give us some tips for an injury-free festive season.

    With the festive party season in full swing and holidays just around the corner, we at JBS Physio Lane Cove are here to sprinkle some safety magic on your festivities. Let’s unwrap the secrets to a holly, jolly and injury free Christmas!

    Don’t be a Couch Potato

    The holiday season can be a time when many of us spend time driving long distances to holiday destinations, lying on the couch recovering from a large Christmas lunch, binge-watching holiday classics or the Boxing Day Test.

    Physical inactivity or low levels of physical activity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

    Avoid prolonged sitting. Remember that regular position change and variety are key to preventing issues.

    Get up and move about for at least two minutes every 20-30 minutes. If there are long periods of sitting, the last thing you should do is go straight to the couch or deck chair for a cold brew.

    Getting your spine moving with some simple roll-downs or a spinal yoga routine reverses some of the effects of those long periods of sitting. We have some suggestions on our Facebook page.

    Santa’s Lifting Technique

    But wait… before you sling that Christmas tree over your shoulder, do you know how to lift it safely?

    Be mindful of your body and lifting technique, whether it’s gifts or decorations, loading and unloading the car, or putting bikes together.

    At JBS Physio Lane Cove, we have a funny mantra – ‘blow before you go’!

    By this, we mean breathing out as you lift anything heavy, which will help engage your core muscles and give you stability to protect your back.

    So, channel your inner Santa and:

    • Get a good grip before you lift.
    • Bend at the knees. Let your legs do the work. Feel those glues.
    • Hug the item close to you.
    • Avoid twisting movements. Keep your toes, knees and body facing the same direction.
    • How large is this item? Would two people lifting make it easier and safer?

    Tech Timeout

    This Christmas, rather than getting your kids an iPad, consider a present like a cricket bat or a netball that will encourage physical activity and ultimately lead to better lifestyle choices in the long run.

    Active Healthy Kids Australia’s Report Card on Physical Activity for Children has identified that worldwide, children’s fitness has been declining at the rate of 3% to 5% per decade since 1970, with Australian kids now in the bottom third of the world in fitness and inactivity.

    Let’s demonstrate good role modelling and work together to keep our kids fit and healthy. If you’re stuck for stocking filler ideas we have trigger point balls, resistance bands, foam rollers and Archies thongs and slides.

    Posture Presents

    A lot of people tend to wrap presents/write cards sitting on the floor. This isn’t great as you tend to bend more, putting extra strain on your neck and lower back.

    Your spine will appreciate it if you maintain good posture, so sit at a table and avoid hunching over to reduce the pressure going through your lower back.

    Also, spread out your gift wrapping /card writing so you are not stuck in one position for a long time.

    Happy Feet

    Choose comfortable and supportive shoes, especially if you’re doing a lot of walking or standing.

    Research has shown that comfort is an important factor when buying running shoes.

    These days there are lots of options for more supportive sandals and thongs.

    At JBS Physio Lane Cove we have a range of Archies thongs and slides, which are great for the beach and lounging poolside.

    Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree

    While cutting the rug at holiday parties, remember to listen to your body’s rhythm. Quick turns and fancy footwork might impress Santa, but they can also lead to twisted ankles and knees. Ease your way into busting out those moves.

    Festive Fitness

    Getting a little more physical activity into your day doesn’t have to be a chore.

    Turn holiday shopping into a workout by parking farther away and taking the stairs.

    Dust off the bicycles and go for a ride, plan a bushwalk or simply limit your couch time, get up and get moving.

    Sneak in some exercise while waiting for your gingerbread biscuits to bake; it might just be releasing stiff neck muscles by slowly and carefully tilting your head to the side.

    If you are unsure what physical activity is right for you or your child’s age and experience, we at JBS Physio Lane Cove can help you tailor a specific program with appropriate progressions.

    Home Alone

    To avoid any injuries from getting out and active, it’s best to start slowly and gradually build up.

    It’s easy to get carried with our exercise routine and go from zero to 100.

    A long run on the beach after months of little exercise will potentially cause musculoskeletal injuries.

    A better approach is to start with a long brisk walk for a few days, then progress to a  combination of walking and running before moving to running only.

    Make sure to pay attention to any discomfort or pain. Rest if needed, and don’t push yourself too hard.

    Progressive loading is important to build tissue tolerance. You don’t want to be stuck home alone because you’ve overdone it while your family and friends are having a merry Christmas.

    Don’t ignore the pain.

    If you do injure yourself over the holidays, don’t ignore the pain; please see one of our Physiotherapists, who are highly qualified and trained to assess and treat all sorts of injuries and will help you get back on the beach again.

    We believe it’s important to respect and understand your current capacity and continue to build on this to be your best.

    Hydration to Stay Merry and Bright

    Toasting to good health? Hydrate between rounds of eggnog.

    Water is essential for muscle function and overall well-being.

    We’ve been already warned it’s going to be a hot summer.

    Joy to the World

    Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year.

    The combination of alcohol, relatives, lack of sleep and the stress of Christmas shopping can be overwhelming for many of us.

    Try to find some time alone, even if it’s only to have a relaxing bath or go for a quiet walk. Learn to say no to the demands of others. And don’t lose sight of the fact that this is a time of joy and togetherness. All the usual stresses will be there come 3 January!

    Remember, the best gift you can give yourself is the gift of health. So, let’s sleigh those potential injuries and make this Christmas season one to remember for all the right reasons.

    JBS Physio Lane Cove is open during the festive season to assist you should anything go wrong and those last-minute stocking fillers!

    Holiday Trading Hours:

    27th – 10am-5pm
    28th  -7:30am-6pm
    29th – 8am-6pm

    JBS Physio Lane Cove Contact Details

    Address  79-83 Longueville Road Lane Cvoe
    Phone  02 9420 8802
    Mobile  0419 33 49 01
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