Mark Friedland Running Seven Marathons in Seven Days To Raise Funds for Braveheats

For 24 years, Mark Friedland has lived in the Lane Cove/Ryde area. His parents live and work in Lane Cove, and he is a former Lane Cove Public School student. Mark is taking part in Australia’s mightiest ultra-marathon challenge — Bravehearts’ 777 Marathon. This means he will run 7 Marathons in 7 States in 7 Days to raise funds for the prevention of child sexual abuse.

ITC asked Mark about why he had taken on this challenge and a little bit about his life in Lane Cove.

How long have you been into running?

I have always liked sports that involve running and constant movement, like soccer and boxing, but since 2022, I have been focussing on running.

How many marathons have you run?

I have run five marathons and one ultra-marathon (which is 50km)

How long have you lived in Lane Cove/Ryde area?

24 years

Where Did You Go To School in Lane Cove?

I went to Lane Cove Public School. I had inspirational teachers who encouraged me to chase my goals in all aspects of life. I have especially fond memories of Mrs Huggett, Mrs Sutton, Ms Georgiou and Mr Russell. I also had friends and coaches who inspired me when I was growing up and playing for Lane Cove Soccer and Lane Cove Junior Rugby Union.

Why did you choose the Bravehearts’ 777 Marathon challenge?

I was originally looking for a race around July, and I saw the Bravehearts 777 Marathon. When I read about the work Bravehearts does and the statistics surrounding child sexual abuse in Australia, it was really alarming, and I felt like I had to take on this challenge.

I have now learnt a lot about how prevalent sexual abuse is in Australia, and I feel privileged to be able to raise awareness and funds for Bravehearts. I am hoping to do this every year to continue to help Bravehearts with the great work they do!

Will you have a crew helping you?

A few Bravehearts staff members who organise the logistics and a physio will travel with us.

Have you ever run a marathon with so little time in between races?

I am running the Canberra Marathon this Sunday (7 April) and the Shellharbour Marathon a week later (14 April), so they will be the closest together. During training, I will be running a full week of 30km runs every day in late May.

What’s your favourite thing to do in Lane Cove?

There are some really nice running routes around Lane Cove, and I like the friendly atmosphere around the Lane Cove Plaza.

What’s Your Favourite Place to Eat in Lane Cove?

I love Chargrill Charlies (best chicken and salads) – I know my dad works there but they are the best chickens in Lane Cove.

La Piazza (always the go-to place for family lunches and dinners).

What’s your favourite place to have Coffee in Lane Cove?

Jack & Co

Well done to Mark – we wish him the best of luck.

Mark would also like to thank the following for sponsoring him:

Simon Harrison and the Belle Property Team
Chargrill Charlies Lane Cove
Nicky’s Kid’s Town Early Learning Centre

How can you support Mark?

The Sydney leg of the run is on Friday (July 5) at the Bay Run, and anyone can register to run on the day (7km, 14km, 21km, or the full marathon, 42km) or just come down and support!

Mark told ITC:

“The work that Bravehearts does is extremely important and I feel privileged to be able to raise money for this meaningful cause. Please help me meet my fundraising goal by donating online today.”