Get Ready to be Wild About Lane Cove Wild Life 2025

Stringy Bark Creek Residents Association (SBCRA) and Lane Cove Council are again organising the Wild About Lane Cove event at Mindarie Park Lane Cove North.  This family-friendly event features a wildlife show and a free BBQ.

Wild About Lane Cove 30 March 2025

At this fun family event, get up close and personal with native animals with a fascinating show from Australian Wildlife Displays. Afterwards, enjoy a sausage sizzle and join one of the short guided bushwalks (approximately 20 minutes) along Stringybark Creek.

10:00 am – Wildlife Show

11:00 am – Free sausage sizzle and guided bushwalks

Bookings are not required.


Wild About Lane Cove Photo Challenge

Don’t forget to bring your camera and get started with the Wild about Lane Cove photo challenge.

Grab your camera and get snapping this autumn! Take a photo from any of Lane Cove’s many parks and reserves and you could win a $100 Lane Cove Gift Card (two gift cards each valued at $100 will be given away) in the Wild about Lane Cove photo challenge organised by Lane Cove Council! Explore with family or friends, or go solo and get creative with your camera! Get the kids involved, too, and reap the benefits of feeling happier and healthier as a result of spending time in nature.

The photographic subject matter depicted in entries must be located within the boundaries of the Lane Cove local government area. Please note that Lane Cove National Park is not eligible as it does not reside within the boundaries of Lane Cove LGA.

Wild About Lane Cove – A Great Success

The first Wild About Lane Cove event was held in 2023.  At the time, Kylie Bryden Smith, Vice President of the Stringy Bark Creek Residents Association, told ITC:

“It was great to see the community coming together; many families were new to Australia, and this was their first time experiencing native wildlife.”

Our cover photo is a collage re from the 2024 Wild About Lane Cove Event.


Australian Wildlife Display, wildlife show is entertaing for both kids and parents.  The presenters show you the native animals in the Stringy Bark area and let the kids and parents hold and get up close with a range of native wildlife, including the blue tongue lizard, a five-week-old tawny frog mouth, two baby possums, a python, bat, and a red belly black snake.


ITC readers regularly ask about tawny frog mouths.  In 2016, residents contacted us about a strange noise that sounded like a car alarm that went off regularly.  After some sleuthing and help from ITC roving reporters, we ascertained that the sound was some tawny frog mouths.  Read our article here.

The idea for this event came after 2022 SBCRA  “Living with Wildlife” information night with guest speaker Bev Young from Sydney Wildlife (Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services).

At this information night, residents discussed living with possums, native birds and reptiles, the risks they face in urban environments, and how locals can live more harmoniously with our ‘wild’ neighbours – of course, the ubiquitous brush turkey was a hot topic.

What is the Stringy Bark Creek Residents Association?

Founded in 1993, the Stringy Bark Creek Residents Association was formed with a very simple focus; to help preserve and improve common welfare, traffic, health, safety, transport and, the bushland and environment within the Lane Cove North Area.

Their website states:

“SBCRA believe that pockets of native bushland such as those found along Stringy Bark Creek are what help make Sydney the unique and extremely liveable city that it is.

SBCRA believe our local people should be able to live in a safe and secure environment where traffic, health and safety issues are addressed and dealt with effectively.”

SBCRA Events

Each year the SBCRA hold the following annual events:

Clean Up Australia Day at Batten Reserve – read more here
Bushcare Major Day Out read more here

To find out how to join the SBCRA – click here.

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