Five Things Seen in Rosenthal Avenue Car Park Today

I know that I am obsessing about Rosenthal Avenue car park lately.  I know lack of  parking really is a first world problem.  However today I think the things I saw really were unbelievable.  

  1. A person going the wrong way trying to squeeze between a row of cars going the correct way.  There really are no signs at the entrance that let people know the car park is one way.  There is however a give way sign when you turn into the car park from Birdwood Avenue  (near Chemist Warehouse).  People rarely observe that one.
  2. A lady standing in a car parking spot saving it for her friend who was trying to reverse her car into the spot from about 20 meters away.  Another person was trying to get into that spot.  A Mexican stand off@!!!
  3. A man going back to his car to put in his packages, ignoring everyone who was trying to get an indication of whether or not he was going.  He opened his boot, put in the parcels, spat on the ground, closed the boot and walked back to the plaza.
  4. Utes, Utes and more Utes – really the car park has now just become a car park for construction vehicles.
  5. Going around the car park five times for a spot only to be taunted by the sign that says 128 spots available.




I think I could write a sitcom about that car park.  Stay tuned for episode two. 


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