Not Sure If You’re Ready for a Pet? Borrow a Pet first!!

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There is one thing ITC knows for certain, Lane Cove loves their pets. When we  conducted our Lane Cove Survey last year, we found that 85% of respondents had a dog or cat. ITC knows from experience that by the time a child reaches the age of 10 you will be asked, on average at least three times a week, if the family can have a pet.


Why not borrow a pet first and see if your family and a pet are compatible? Not possible, I hear you say. Well it is now!! Lend a Pet – finds people nearby who are looking to lend their pet, or borrow a pet. You can borrow the pet for a day, a weekend, a short time or a longer time. You determine the time-frame.

Lend a Pet has developed a process where you are matched with your ideal doggie (sounds a bit like an internet dating site). To lend or borrow a pet you must create a profile. It is free to create a profile, however if you want to borrow or lend a pet there is a fee of $49.99 per year. According to the Lend a Pet website all members go through a security screening. It appears that you can borrow or lend pets other than dogs, however their facebook page and website seems very doggycentric.

Lend a Pet How it Works


So why would you borrow a pet?

  • You want  to see if your family is ready to own a pet;
  • You would like a pet, but don’t have the space;
  • You want a dog to take for walks;
  • Dogs are chick magnets/guy magnets (just threw that in to see if you were still reading);
  • You like looking after animals, but aren’t ready to make the commitment of owning your own; or
  • Your pet would like a part-time friend.

So why would you lend a pet?

  • Don’t have time to exercise your pet;
  • You are going on vacation;
  • Your pet is lonely and wants a companion; or
  • You are getting work done around the house and it is better if your dog is not a home (lots of people coming and going can leave gates open)

This is actually not a new concept, in the UK was launched in 2012. According to Borrowmydoggy, 70% of their borrowers used to own a dog or are trying out a dog to see if a dog fits in with their lifestyle.

So would you lend or borrow a pet? We would love to know your thoughts.

If you love pets you may want to read the following blogs:

Lost and Found Pets

DNA Testing of Poop

The A to  Z of Lane Cove D is for Dogs

A Very Puppy Christmas

If you need to know about pet groomers, trainers or pet shops in Lane Cove you can check them out in our Business Directory

Do you have a question about Lane Cove you are dying to have answered? Please send us an email at [email protected]

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