Vaccinations for your Pet: Why the jab???

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Lane Cove Veterinary Hospital are passionate about your pets, and share some more information with us about pets and vaccinations. Thanks Lane Cove Vet!

LC Vet

Vaccinations: Why the jab???

Vaccinations are critical to your pet’s health and well being. Unfortunately, there are still several potentially deadly diseases that exist in this day and age around Sydney. For cats, vaccination can protect against viruses which cause severe contagious diarrhoea (panleukopenia), severe cat flu (calicivirus and rhinotracheitis) and the feline aids virus (FIV). In dogs, vaccination can protect against viruses which cause severe and crippling diseases (morbillivirus- distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus) as well as highly contagious respiratory disease (kennel cough).

Just like any vaccine for human family members, a vaccine is a weakened non-living version of the virus that boosts your pet’s immune system. So if your pet is ever exposed to the real disease, their immune system will be prepared to recognise and fight it off entirely, or at least reduce the severity of the illness.

Undoubtedly the reason why our part of the world has the happiest and healthiest pets is due to vaccination (also called herd protection effect). However, loosing track of when your pet’s vaccination status can happen!  Adopting a new pet, moving house may mean that it can be hard to stay on top of things. However, it is never too late to recommit to a vaccination plan, it is such an easy aspect of pet care and your vet is here to help!

If you are concerned about your pet’s current vaccination status, or have any questions regarding vaccination, please do not hesitate to call your friendly veterinary hospital. We are happy to discuss and answer any questions you may have.

Dr Chris Sun is the principal Veterinarian at Lane Cove Veterinary Hospital, your partner in Petcare.

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Address: Corner of Pacific Highway and Rimmington Street, Artarmon NSW 2064
Phone: 02 9428 1174
Website: Lane Cove Veterinary Hospital
Facebook: Lane Cove Veterinary Hospital
Instagram: @lanecove_vet
Twitter: @LaneCove_Vet

Lane Cove Veterinary Hospital is one of ITC’s fabulous Gold Sponsors. Without their support, our website would never have been possible. #itcgoldsponsor

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